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A month later;

"Guess who's birthday it is!?" I smiled at Jake,"It's my birfday!" Jake cheered and I laughed,"Correct,you ready to go to your birthday?" I picked him up, and got him in the car,"JOE! AUDREY!! We're ready." I yelled and got in the car.

"Alright,alright!" Joe laughed and got in the car as Audrey did too. Joe started driving to Jumpity Jump,an indoor inflatible arena. 

"We're here." I smiled at Jake,I got out and got him out,carried him inside. I let him down and he went screaming,"YAY!!!!"  he ran with his friends,"Whoa!" Audrey smiled and took off her shoes and got on some inflatibles.

I watched with crossed arms,"We survived another year with him,baby." Joe put his hands on my sides,"Mhmm."  I pecked his lips and then he kissed my stomach,I smiled at him.

"Hello fellas." Nick walked in,"Nick!" I smiled and hugged him. "Hey Dems,hey bro." Nick smiled. "We had to come,I don't wanna miss my nephew's birthday!" Selena comes out and hugs me,"Aw,thanks guys."

"Anytime." Selena smiled,"Hey where is Audrey?" I looked around,"She was in the bouncehouse.." Joe replied,"I know..."

Suddenly I hear a scream,"MOMMY"

"AUDREY!" I gasped and ran out and saw Josh pointing a gun to my daughter,I felt my blood boil,"YOU BASTARD! YOU SHOT MY LITTLE GIRL!" I yelled,"You're an asshole,for shooting an innocent 6 year old. What the fu--" then Josh shot Joe,he falls on the ground.

I glared at Josh,furious,"I'M DONE WITH YOU!" I ran towards him,pushes him over and grabbed his gun," What the hell do you want from me?" I sniffled,pointing the gun at him,"Answer me dammit! Are you trying to kill me!? Why are you trying to kill the ones that love me?"

He still didn't answer.

I shot on the tile floor next to me,"Answer me! It's my son's birthday! MY SON'S BIRTHDAY!" I glared at him. "Dem--oh my god!" Selena ran to me with Nick,"I'll call the police and an ambulance." Nick said and got his iphone.

"Demi,don't shoot him,you could get in trouble." Selena planted her hand on my shoulder,"I don't care right now." I glared at Josh.

Finally the cops came and took Josh away and an ambulance took Audrey and Joe to the hospital,we got all the kids home and now we're in the waiting room,"Jake.." I tickled him,but he whined.

"Don't be grumpy Mr.Grumpy pants.." I tickled him,"Stop!" He pulled away,I sighed,"I'm mad,my birfday is over."

 I sighed and looked at Selena and Nick,"Be right back." I walked out and drove to a local bakery,"Welcome to Creamy Cakes,may I help you?" the baker asked,"Do you have a boy birthday cake?" I bit my lip. "We do." He smiled,"Thank you,can you write Jacob on it,please?"

"Sure can." The Baker said and then he wrote 'Jacob' in blue icing. "Thanks." I gave him the right amount of money and then I headed back to the hospital,I went to the kid's playroom,which was close,for right now, I put the cake on the table and present s next to the cake,I headed back to the waiting room,"Jake,come wih me.." I took his hand and took him to the playroom.

"Happy birthday,baby boy." I smiled a little,"Whoa!!" He started playing with the leggos. "M'am the playroom is close." a work instructed,"Look,I'll give you anything if you let this boy enjoy his 3 birthday..his dad and his big sister got shot,and I'm pregnant so can you please?.." I wiped my eyes.

She sighed,"Yeah.." She walked away.

"Let's open presents,bud." I sat down and pulled him onto my lap,"Open this one." I smiled and handed it to him. He started opening it. I faked gasped,"What is it?!"

"It's a tonka truck!!" He smiled,and I rested my chin on his shoulder with a smile on my face. "Next gift."

"What's this?" He looked at me,"A puzzle!!" I smiled and kissed his cheek."Look,mommy!! More Thomas the Tanks!!!" He smiled big,"Yay!!" I laughed.



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