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3 days later.

"I kind of want to leave,but then I don't." I laughing packing my bags,"I'm excited to go back to a country,where people speak french." Joe joked. I smiled and went to him and wrapped my arms around him and layed my head on his back. 

"Thank you for the wonderful honeymoon and birthday." I smiled,"You're so welcome,babe. You deserve it." He kissed my lips. "How about one more time.." I smirked and he smirked back and layed me down on the bed.


Once we finished, we were looking at each other's eyes,I smiled at him,"I love you." I pecked his lips,then slipped my clothes back on.

He got dressed we headed to the airport,"Goodbye Paris :'( " I tweeted and headed onto the plane. I put  a blanket over us and layed my head on Joe's shoulder,falling asleep.

15 hours later.

We got in Joe's car from LAX and drove home,I was soo jetlagged. "We're almost home. :)" I texted my mom.

Joe pulled into the drive and I got out of the car,and here come the kids running out,"MOMMY!!!" Jake anc Audrey ran to me,knocking me down,I laughed,"Hey kiddies!!" I smiled,"I missed you mommy!! Don't go away anymore." Jake hugged me tight. 

"I won't I promise." I smiled and kissed his forehead. "DADDY!!" they ran to Joe,"Hey little ones!" Joe smiled and and picked them up and hugged them tight.

"Did you guys have a good time?" My mother walked out,"We sure did." I smiled,"Well come in,the kids made you something for your birthday." I followed her inside along with Joe and the kids.

"They made you this." Eddie brought out  a popsicle stick flower box,it has their picture in the middle of the flower and as the stem and pedals are colored popsicle sticks and it saids Demi on the box.

"I love it!!" I smiled and hugged both of them.

8 weeks later.

Joe was playing  with the kids while I was in the bathroom,I gasped,"Joe,babe,come here.." I sighed,I opened the bathroom and Joe walked in,"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant.." I sighed and showed him the 4 test I took and came out positive. "What made you take these?" Joe looked at me.

"I'm late.." I looked at him,then I sat on the toilet,crying. "Babe..why you crying?" Joe bend down and rubbed my back,"We agreed on having no more babies..the chances of the baby dying..or me in that matter.." I sighed.

"I know,baby..but we did this naturally,no pills or anything..maybe this is a good sign...We just gotta think positive..baby I love you and I'm excited to have another baby with you. We'll be helping the population on making some more Jemi babies." Joe kissed my hand and I laughed a little.

"But what about Jake and Audrey?! Will we be able to take care of 3 kids? I just got my figure back where I wanted it! What about my CD release!?" I worried.

Joe laughed a little."I think Jake and Audrey will be excited to have another little brother or sister.  You can get your figure back after,you will look beautiful no matter what. Jake is turning 3 soon,so he can enter preschool soon and Audrey is in first grade,so I think we can handle three kids. So what,you'll be pregnant at your album release,your lovatics love you for you,not if you're expecting or not."

I looked at him and smiled,"I love you so much!" I hugged him,"I love you too,baby. We're having another baby." Joe smiled at me and I pecked his lips,"I'm going to get an appointment at the OB GYN." I said and headed to the bedroom

Joe's POV.

I looked at the test again,I sighed,"Another baby..." I said to myself."DADDY COME ON!" Audrey yelled.

"Coming!" I laughed and headed back to the couch  and grabbed my controller and unpaused the game,"Hey someone cheated while I was gone." I smirked.

"You were taking forever,daddy." Audrey laughed,I paused the came and then unpaused,then paused it again and so on.

"Stop it daddy!!" Audrey laughed,"Yeah stop it daddy!" Jake copied. "I think something is wrong with my controller." I laughed,"DADDY!! You're doing it! I'm not stupid!"

"Stupid daddy!" Jake said,"Excuse me?!" I smiled and picked him up and tickled him."DADDY!" Jake laughed to death.

"Daddy,why do you wear a wing,you're not a girl." Audrey asked me,"Well this ring represents that I am married to your mommy so that everyone will know I am married." I told him while tickling Jake.

"What's going on?" Demi walks in and sits on the love seat,"Daddy is a cheater!" Audrey pointed at me,"I am not! You cheated while I was gone." I laughed.

"Yeah,but you keep unpausing and pausing." Audrey laughed,"Mommy!! Daddy won't stop tickling me!!!" Jake said,laughing.

Demi got up and took Jake from me and sat back down."I saved you,buddy." she smiled and kissed his cheek,"Thank you mommy!!" Jake smiled.

I unpaused the game,"I can still beat you,my car is fast." I bragged,"No you can't,I already finished the wace!" She smiled proudly,"AH! You cheater!" I smiled while looking at the tv.


Demi is pregnant again! fKGFGJFLGJLFGJFLGJFG

End of this,someone will die.





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