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"I had fun,Zac." I smiled as Zac walked me to the door,"So did I,even though the restaurant had shitty food and the movie we saw was a disaster." Zac joked and I laughed.

I stared into his eyes and leaned in slowly and kissed his lips."Night." I smiled and went inside and squealed. "Someone had a good time." Miley smiled and jumped a little,"Damn,Miley!" I held my hand up to my chest. 

"Sorry." Miley laughed a little,"I'm going to bed..Night." I smiled and headed off to bed.


The next day,I put on sweatpants and a tshirt with no makeup and my hair in a messy bun to pick up the kids in,"I'll see you later,Mi." I grabbed my keys and drove to Joe's.

I knocked on the door when I got there and a voice that sounded like Taylor yelled,"Hey!" She introduced,she was wearing Joe's shirt and that's it."Hey,can I speak to Joe?" I asked. "Um,sure..BABE!!" She yelled.

Joe comes running downstairs in his pajama pants and no shirt. "Yes?" He asked,Taylor secretly pointed at me and I rolled my eyes,"I need to talk to you,alone." I asked.

"Oh okay.." Joe walked outside and shut the door,"What's up?" he asked,I crossed my arms,"Did you screw her?" I looked at him and he smirked,"That's kind of personal,Dems."

"Stop being an asshole,and answer the question!" I declared,"Yes,I screwed her!" He admitted. "I don't want you screwing her when you have the kids!"

"Why? You jealous?" He smirked again."No,I don't want them to hear you guys and get nightmares,it'll be your job if they ask what you guys were doing." I sighed. "Chillax,Dems. How are you and Troy Bolton doing? Have he banged you yet?" He smirked.

I put my sunglasses on top of my head and glared at him,"You're soo funny.We had a first date yesterday,unlike you who thinks they can bang someone on the first date." 

"Haha.Funny.Listen,you don't need to worry about my sex life,and I won't worry about yours,plus,Taylor is really silent unlike someone I know."

I looked at him and looked down,"Demi,I went too far--"

"I'm going to get my kids." I walked inside,"Kids,come on!" I yelled.

"Mommy!" the kids ran downstairs with their bags. I picked up Jake,"Hey guys,ready to go?" I smiled and they nodded and we headed to the car,"Say bye to your dad."

"Bye daddy!" Audrey and Jake waved. "Bye guys,see you soon." He smiled and I got Jake in his carseat and got in the car and drove home.

"What do you guys think of going to Jamaica for a vacation,since Audrey is on fall break?" I smiled at them in the rear view mirror,"YES!! PLEASE,MOMMY!!" Audrey cheered.

"Okay." I laughed,I called Miley on the way home. "Hello?" she answered.

"Hey,the kids and I have decided to take a vacay to Jamaica,and do you mind packing for Jake and Audrey,so it can go by faster?" I asked. "Of course,sure babe."

"Thank you." I smiled and hung up and called Zac. "Hello?" He answered,in his sleepy voice. "Hey,I know this is short notice,but would you like go to Jamaica with my kids and I?..We're leaving today."

"Oh wow,um,sure. I'll meet you at the airport." He said and I smiled,"Okay,see you there." I said,then I hung up. I pulled in the driveway,got Jake out and went inside.

I started to pack my suitcase and Audrey came to me,"Hey mommy.." She sat on the edge of my bed,"Hey baby,what's a matter?" I looked at her.

"I don't like daddy's girlfriend."She looked down and I bend down and looked at her,"I'm sorry,baby. I don't like her either." I sighed.

"Why do you not like her,mommy?" She giggled,"Well...she's a best friend stealer." I laughed a little,"Oh." She giggled,"But why do you not like her,baby?" I played with her hands. 

"She 's not your mommy and she rushed me to bed and I could tell she doesn't like me.." Audrey liked,"Doesn't like you!?" I faked gasped,"Impossible!"

"I know!" She giggled,"Well you need to tell daddy you don't like her." I kissed her cheek,got up and zipped my suitcase. "Ready,mommy?" she asked. "Ready." I smiled and headed out and put the suitcase in the trunk.

"I got Jake in the car,he's excited." Miley laughed and I hugged her,"Go home,go have some fun with your hubby." I laughed."Deal." She smiled,"You be careful." Miley winked.

"I will." I laughed and got in the car and drove to the Airport.

I parked my car and got the kids out,"Audrey hold your brother's hand. Stay there." I commanded as I got the suitcases on the cart."Okay,hold my hand." I took Audrey's hand and he was holding Jake's and we went inside. 

I got our tickets and got our suitcases sent,I went where Zac was,"Hey." I smiled. "Hey!" He pecked my lips. "Mommy!! That's Troy!" Audrey tugged on my shirt,"Oh,I forgot I let her watched High School Musical." I laughed a little.

"Hey sweetheart." Zac bent down to her level,"You dating my mommy?" Audrey asked,Zac looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah,I am." He smiled."Cool!!" Audrey smiled big. "So what's your name? He asked.

"I'm Audrey,and this is my brother Jake." Audrey introduced and I laughed and sat down.

"VACAY!!!!! With my little loved ones!!" I tweeted. Suddenly Joe called,I sighed,I silenced the call and slipped my phone in my pocket.


It's our first day in Jamaica and we went to the beach,I layed out the towels in the sand and I sat down,watching th kids play. "What was the real reason you want to vacation?" Zac smirked at me,"I don't know,I guess Joe pushed me too far and I had to take a break.." I sighed.

"I'll take it thought you guys fought when you were getting the kids?" Zac looked at me and I put my hands on my belly,"Yeah.."I sighed.

He got up and sat behind me and started rubbing my shoulder. "Mmm." I smiled and he kissed my bare shoulder,"If you want to talk about it,I'm here." He offered.

"I need your opinion.." I said,watching the kids,"Yeah,sure." He said. "If you were in my shoes,would you get upset and ask your separated husband not to have sex when he has the kids?" I turned my head and looked at him.

"Of course." He replied and I smiled,"Okay,good,I'm not a bitch." 

He laughed and kissed my cheek,"I don't know how Joe would of let you go..I would of fight for you,If was him." He looked at with his ocean blue eyes and I smiled at him,I kissed his lips with my hand on his cheek.

Suddenly we felt sand getting thrown at us and giggling. I pulled away and there was Jake and Audrey laughing,"HEY!" Zac laughed and got up and chased them,"I'm going to get you!" He yelled.

I smiled and I grabbed my phone,looking through my photos,photos  of Joe and I..happy. I sighed and put my phone down.

And that she had,a world of chances, for you,she had a world of chances, for you.She had a world of chances,chances you were burning through..

World of Chances. [Jemi.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora