53. Part One.

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I am now 24 weeks pregnant.

I layed on the bed with my head on Joe's thigh,"We need names mister." I smiled as he stroke my hair softly.

"How about No Name. No Name Jonas." He laughed,I looked at him,"So like when's she in class,she'll be like No Name Jonas." He died laughing,I looked at him weird,"Did I always think you're this funny?"

He chuckled,"Yeah." He smirked,"Babe,be serious,we need names and No Name isn't one of them." I looked at the ceiling.

"How about Chloe Annika Jonas?" Joe looked at me,"That's a maybe..How bout Micah Nyla Jonas or Micah Elise Jonas?"

"How bout Brenda Jonas,so the intials will be BJ." he smirked,I sat up and pushed him off the bed,"You're discusting!" 

He started laughing,"Get ready for no kissed for a whole year,maybe two." I glared at him,"Impossible,you like kissing my lips." He smirked,"Oh really,okay,let's make a deal. If you win and I kiss you,you can name our daughter....no name or Brenda Jonas....if I win and you kiss me...I can name our daughter anything I want." I smirked.

"You're on." He glared at me and I smirked at him. I got up from the bed and headed to the kitchen,I rubbed my stomach and got out oreos,I brought them with me on the couch and started eating.

"Hey baby." Joe walks out with a black speedo,I covered my mouth,laughing,"Is that suppose to make kiss you?" I smirked,"Yes." he flexed his muscles,"It's not working." I giggled.

"Damn."  he swore,"Knock,knock." Selena knocked on the door,"Shit!"Joe ran upstairs to change,"YOU'RE SUCH A TURN ON." I laughed,I got up and answered the door.

"Turn on New 18!!" Selena ran in,with Jeremy. "Um..Okay.." I looked at her and turned on the news.

"Wilmer Eduardo Valderrama found dead in his local LA home this afternoon." the news reported,I couldn't speak,I was so shocked.

"Valderrama drowned in his own bathtub,reps say his ex girlfriend,Lindsay,was last seen there and when she left,she didn't seem so happy."

I threw my head down,crying."I can't believe he is dead."

"Who's dead?.." Joe came downstairs,"Wilmer." Selena rubbed my back,"Shit,no way! How?" Joe sat next to me,"he drowned in his own bathtub.."Selena sighed.

"I have to go to his funeral.." I pulled my head up,"What? You don't even know his family,what if they accuse you of killing him,since you're his ex?" Selena looked at me.

"They know me,they know I wouldn't do that,I'm going." I looked at her,determined.

I heard Joe sighed,"Okay,I'm not going to stop you,since he saved our daughter." Joe smiled at me,I could tell he wanted to kiss me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him,"This feels like a kissing moment,why you guys not doing it?" Selena laughed at us,"We made a bet." Joe laughed,"if he kisses me first,I get to name our daughter no matter what,if I kiss him first,he can name our daughter No Name or BJ." I laughed a little.

"Oooh,Joe,you're going to loose,I've known Demi for years,she can keep up a bet." Selena smirked,"Oh shut up."


One thing I gotta say..







@lovatic_fanfic,I TRICKED YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can still spork me if you want.

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