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Important A/N at the end, a surprise is going to be shared!!! Enjoy x

Also the song above should be played when Jess goes to get her pyjamas on!!

1 year later...

"Baby, calm down. I'm sure it will all be fine" Jack said soothingly.

"But what if its not Jack? It could all go wrong and then where would I stand?" I was on the verge of tears. The moment the envelope came through the letter box and dropped on the floor, I couldn't be calmed down. I rang Jack and he cane straight over. It was unusual for him to have not stopped over but he had a family meal.

"Just open it or you'll never find out" he sighed.

"Okay" I looked at it. "You do it" I held it out to him before changing my mind. "No I will, wait no you do it"

"Just open it Jess"

"Okay" I nodded. I peeled the sticky part open- being careful not to rip it- and put my hand inside.

"Okay" I sighed. I pulled it out and unfolded the document.

"Dear Miss Cooper, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda... oh my god I got it!!!" I squealed, flinging myself onto Jack. "I got in! Oh my god Jack I got in!!!"

"Congratulations baby" he smiled and pulled me into a kiss.

"I can't believe it" I said, still in shock.

"Yeah me either" he said, slightly more subdued.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked, gently rubbing his upper arm.

"Nothing" He muttered before walking into my kitchen.


"Nothings wrong" He said slightly too loud, causing me to flinch. A few tears formed in my eyes as he stormed past me and out of my house; leaving me all alone to ponder on what the hell just happened.

2 Days Later...

"Has he still not spoken to you?" Lizzie asked while munching on her sandwich. I shook my head while ripping off a piece of my croissant. "I wouldn't worry, he's probably on his period or something" She chuckled.

After the wedding, Lizzie and I had become quite close. We make it a priority to go for lunch at least once a month and go for a night out with Beth and the girls.

"I just don't understand why he won't talk to me about whatever is bothering him"

We sat in silence for a few minutes as we finished eating. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Lizzie started giggling.

"Are you okay?" I asked, shooting her a strange look.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked, all of a sudden going a little bit calmer and a bit shy.

"Of course you can" I reached across and held her hand in the middle of the table.

She took a deep breath before grinning goofily again. "I'm pregnant"

My heart skipped a couple of beats before my face lit up in pure joy. "Oh my gosh Lizzie, congratulations. Although I have to say, I didn't know you were trying for a baby"

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