Chapter 22- Finding Help

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I Woke up to a banging noise, it was coming from Kians room. I walked into his room and saw him punching his wall, shortly Jess, Jc, Trevor and Sam joined me. Kian took one last punch at his wall and sat down, He was in tears. Jc sat next to him and gave him a hug.

"Whats up?" I said

"i thought she liked me, but it seems she has eyes for someone else as well, no wonder Nash cheated on her" Kian said.

"Wait Lucie?!" Trevor said

"Yea, i have had a crush on her since that time of the car crash" Kian said

"So whats the problem?" Sam said.

"I asked her if she wanted to get yogurt today and she said no to me but...." Kian said

"But what!" Jess said

"But she said yes to Connor" Kian said, my eyes widened. My guess is that Connor is taking her to the hospital to get crutches, this is all my fault.

Only if they knew the truth

*time skip*
I came out the hospital With Lucie, the doctor bandaged up her legs and gave her crutches what shes has to use for 2 weeks, Just then i got a text in a group chat me, Lucie and Ricky made.

Ricky: guys im really sorry

Lucie: what for?

Ricky: Lucie, Kian is crushing
on you and he thinks you and Connor are dating

Me:oh, were gonna have to tell them the truth

Ricky: i have been thinking and ill take anything Jc does to me, I deserve it

Lucie: no you dont, im gonna go talk to an old friend and get him to talk to the others

Me: what old friend?

Lucie: he goes by the name of Mr Dallas.... But i call him Cameron.

Ricky: okay, You go talk to Cam and Connor come back home, good luck.

"Are you sure your gonna be ok to get to Cams on your own?" Connor said

"Yea, i texted him and told him im coming" i said.

"Ok, see you at home" Connor said getting in his car and driving away. I started walking to Camerons, it was only a 5 minute walk.

When i got there i knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer, a girl answered.

"Hey, is Cameron there?" I said

"Yea, your Lucie right?" She said

"Thats me" I replied

"Im Mia, Cams girlfriend" Mia said. I got inside and saw Cameron sat on the couch. Next to him was Aaron, Matt, Taylor and Nash.

"Hey guys" i said hopping in

"What happened?" Matt said helping me sit down

"Well thats why im here" i said, I explained the whole story to the boys and asked Cam if he could go talk to the guys, he agreed and he went to the O2L house on his own. Matthew, Mia, Aaron and Taylor went home. For fuck sake i was left with the worse possible person at this time.


A/n- Thoughts?

NashtyReynolds -Charlie
JasmineGuy -Jasmine
jadeystiff15 -Jade
Jodie56reynolds -Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie ☁️🐙🌵🐢☕️😬

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