Chapter 64-Is It The End?

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*i suggest you put the video on at the top as you read cuz this is some sad shit what will probably make you cry with music*

i saw Madison and Jill in the control room as the plane was falling, they turend around and saw me.

"Yess the hoes gonna die" Jill said smirking.

"The only hoe who is dying today is you" i said. Jill ran at me and began punching me in the stomach, i pulled her hair and got her in a head lock, Madsion opend the plane door while Jill tryed to push me out of it, i grabbed hold of Jills waist and threw her out the plane...

"BYE BITCH!" I shouted as Madison gave me the most relived stare ever.

"Your welcome" Madison said smirking.

"Why did you help me?" I said

"Cuz were like family" Madison said.

"The plane is still going down" i said.

"I know, i tryed to stop it but Jill smashed the controls, were all gonna die and were the only ones who know" Madison said.

"I need to ring someone" i said, i went back into the room on the plane where everyone was, alot of people were panicking, I rang Joe, he didnt answer so i left a voice message.

Me: hey Joe, when you hear this i may be dead, Magcon and O2L are on this plane... So am i, its going to crash, i loved you and im so sorry...

I hung up and saw everyones eyes on me.

"THE PLANES GONNA CRASH" Jc shouted. Just then i looked out the window, we were 1 minute away from death. I ran up to Taylor and grabbed his hand.

"Uhm, okay" Taylor  said, i just looked at him.

"You look hurt" Taylor said.

"were all about to die" i said.

"Im sorry, for everything i have  done to you" Taylor said, he hugged me.,Then i blacked out.......

*time skip*

I woke up and looked at my surroundings, i was in Taylors arms. Wait im alive!!! I looked around and saw all of O2L were alive, i woke Taylor up.

"Taylor!" I shouted, he woke up.

"Were alive!" Taylor shouted, he looked at his leg.

"Ow" he said pulling a peice of glass out of his leg, i got up and ran over to Jc, i hugged him.

"Your alive!" Jc said, i pulled away and saw Jills body

Well at least she landed somewhere

Also Madisons body... Im actully happy shes dead, shes put me through too much.

I watched as people woke up and i did a quick head count.

"Whos here!" Taylor

"Me, you, Jc, Kian, Connor, Trevor, Sam Ricky, Jack and Jack, Cameron, Shawn, Matt , Jasmine, Jade, Jodie, Jess, Charlie" i said counting everyone.

"So... Whos not here ?" Jess said

"Mahogany, Aaron, Carter and Nash...." Sam said

"NASH MUST BE ALIVE! Stay here" I shouted.

I scrambled to get out of the rubble. I tripped, rubble fell on me and i started thinking Where was Nash? I found an exit and lifted myself out, feeling a sharp pain in my forearm. I ignored it and scanned the area, spotting him a couple of meters away. I used all my strength to quickly make my way towards him, tripping occasionally.

I finally got to him, and nearly burst into tears when I saw Nash- cut, bruised.

"Nash!" I said as I slumped down next to him. "Are you okay?" I asked, even though the answer was pretty obvious. Nash wasn't okay. I wasn't okay.

"Lucie" He smiled weakly. "I'm okay"

The colour in his face certainly did not scream that he was 'okay'. He looked very pale, like all he colour had been drained from his face.

"I'll go and get help" I said as I started to stand up. I felt him grab my hand and grip it tightly.

"Please, stay with me?" He pleaded. I sat back down next to him. "Incase I don't-"

"No Nash, you are making it. None of this soppy movie stuff" I replied.

"Incase I don't make it" He repeated. "I want you to forget about me"

"Nash, even if you don't make it, I won't forget about you" I replied as I started to feel tears form in the corners of my eyes.

Nash was going to make it, right?

"Nash no" I said quietly.

"I love you, Lucie" He said as his hand went limp.

That was it.

I leaned over him, and started to cry until my throat hurt and I felt like I had nothing else to cry for.

Nash was gone. The first person I had actually loved, had left.

I stood up, my legs feeling like I was going to collapse. I felt broken inside. I felt like I could be sick everywhere. I felt like I didn't want to live. I wanted to just stay with Nash, but I couldn't. Crying harder than ever, I felt arms pick me up and i turned around. It was Kian, he brought me into a hug.

"Dont worry, hes watching over us" Kian said. I looked up and saw a rescue helicopter, the other started to get into it, i looked over at Nash one more time.

Just thinking, what we had was real....

Kian put me down and i got onto the rescue helicopter and cried my self to sleep....

*time skip*

It has been 1 month since the plane crash and i have got through it barely. Me and Kian ended up getting together because Joe had got him self a girl... But Kian doesn't know that so lets not tell him for now.

Jodie ended up having a child and called it Avia Mae, i know its a strange name.... Unfortunately Carter didn't get to see her, me and Trevor have been hanging out alot lately, (true fact->) he announced that he was Gay through his new music video 'i wanna fly' and im so proud of him. Kian and Jc have finally started posting more YouTube vidoes and so have i. Cameron moved in with Taylor and Matt since he had nowhere to go and the girls went back to their houses. And we went back to the O2L house....

The only thing what is confusing me is the fact that Everyones learning to move on and forget Aaron, Mahogany, Carter and Nash...

Should i?

A/n- thankyou for reading this book! I cried writing it, im thinking about writing the third and final book next year, also tell me your opinion on the book, and check out my new book called 'Sam Pottorff's Sister'.

P.s Jess wrote the part where Nash died so follow her.

For one last time follow
jadeystiff15 -Jade
NashtyReynolds -Charlie
Jodie56reynolds -Jodie
JasmineGuy -Jasmine

Follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie 😂📷☕️☁️🎱💬🎶🍋

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