Chapter 58- Trying Somthing New

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i have seriously messed up this time....

I started walking back to the tour bus when i got stopped by  Mahogany .

"What?" I said

"You seriously are really brave, exposing Trevor for drinking like that" Mahogany  said

"I feel terrible about it tho" i said

"You did the right thing, he just doesn't know it yet" Mahogany said.

Maby she was right

I still have a guilty feeling inside

"By the way it's obvious you like Kian" Mahogany said.

"So?" I said

"I could help you get with him" she said putting a pair of cat ears on my head

"Sure, what you thinking?" I said

"Somthing you would never usally wear" Mahogany said "i know, lets go!" She said

"Its like 8Pm, is the mall open still?" I said

"Yea, it shuts at midnight" Mahogany said grabbing my arm.

"lets go!" Mahogany shouted.

*time skip*

We have been in the mall for an hour now and i have found lots of flannels, but no clothes I wouldn't wear.

"This is hopeless" i said.

"No its not, i have called for a friend of yours to come help" Mahogany said

"Who?" I replied

"Zoe Sugg, her Joe, Caspar, Alfie and Oli arrived in Australia earlier" Mahogany said

Great Joes here
this is gonna be awkward

"Hey guys!" Zoe said hugging me.

"Hi" i said, she pulled away from the hug and hugged Mahogany.

"Mahogany texted me the situation and i have an idea" Zoe said, she ran over to the dress isle and picked out a very short dress.

"Try this on" Mahogany said handing me it. I went into the changing rooms and tryed on a dress. I walked out, Mahogany and Zoes jaws dropped.

"Perfect" Zoe said.

We bought the dress and some white vans and i went into the mall toilets and changed into the dress (outfit at top). I came out and Mahogany and i walked back to the tour bus and i was greeted by Kian.

"Hi" he said

"Hey" i replied.

"You look beautiful" Kian said

"Thanks" i replied, in dont know what to say.

"Yall are seriously awkward" Connor said.

"I know right" Jodie said walking past.

"So, what are you dressing up as for Troyes halloween party?" Kian asked

"I dont know" i said laughing

"You should dress up as Lucifer the devil" Kian said.

"Yass" i said laughing.

"Im gonna go to sleep" i said, i changed into a onsie and I walked out the bathroom, Connor picked me up bridal style.

"Hello there" i said laughing

"Connor, do you enjoy picking Lucie up bridal style?" Ricky said laughing.

"Yea" Connor replied. Connor put me into the bed and he climbed in, Kian was already in there, I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

A/n- thoughts? 😂

NashtyReynolds Charlie
JasmineGuy Jasmine
jadeystiff15 Jade
Jodie56reynolds Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie 🐢☁️🐙☕️🌵😬📷

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