Chapter 31- Madison

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I managed to get my hands free, i took the duck tape of my legs and the bandanna off my mouth, I need to find Lucie, I ran to the tour bus and saw her walk out. I saw a baseball bat near the side of the road so i grabbed it.

This is gonna hurt

I saw Lucie was about to walk near me so i ran around the corner and hit her over the head with a baseball bat, it wasn't very hard but it did knock her out. I saw a person watching, they ran away. I grabbed Lucie and put her over my shoulder, i got my phone out of her pocket and followed them.

They stopped and started walking. I ran up to them and tapped them on the shoulder.

"Omg you scared me" they said, she looked familiar.

"Madison?" I said

"Thats me " she said.

"Why were you watching me?"  I said.

"I saw what Lucie did to you and i think you did the right thing by knocking her out"  Madison said.

"Now give her to me" Madison said, I gave Lucie to Madison. She got a knife out of her pocket and started cutting Lucies wrists.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I shouted. Im shocked, this is Lucies step sister why would she do this to her? I tryed to get the knife out of her hands but ended up cutting my finger. I kicked Madison in the chest and grabbed Lucie, then ran away....

I woke up and looked around, what the fuck happened? I saw Sam crying next to me. He saw i was awake and hugged me.

"Sup?" I said, Sam explaind to me what happened and im shocked, I didn't think Madison would do that, just then i got a text off that Unknown number again, Sam told me it was Madison.

Madison: Im coming for you and your friends

Me: really, why?

Madison: cuz, you stole my boyfriend

Me: what!

Madison: last year me and Kian dated and i saw a video of you and Kian kissing and now im not gonna stop until your dead

My eyes widened, i showed Sam my texts.

"What should i do?" I said

"Dont listen to her, she was dating Kian but he tryed to force her to have sex but she refused and then they broke up" Sam said, my eyes widened.

Didn't think Kian would ever do that

"Lets go back onto the bus, were ment to be leaving soon" i said

"Wait, your forhead and arm" Sam said.

"don't worry about it" i said laughing. Sam took his jacket of and handed it to me, i put it on. we walked onto the bus and i saw everyone looked at me.

"What happened to your head?" Jc said wiping blood off my forhead.

"N-n-n-nothing" i said, I moved my arm and i think Trevor saw the blood on it.

"You sure about that?" Trevor said taking Sams jacket off of me. I looked at Sam in fear.

Im screwed

A/n- if you dont know who Madison is its Lucies step sister if you remember comment and let me know

NashtyReynolds Charlie
JasmineGuy Jasmine
jadeystiff15 Jade
Jodie56reynolds Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie 🐢☁️🐙☕️🌵😬📷

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