Chapter 63-Getting My Memory Back

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"I know!" Kian said, he handed Lucei a bracelet with a 'L' on.

"Remember when we bought these? You have one with a 'K' on i have one with an 'L' on" Kian said.

"Someone should try kissing her, it worked for Nash" Taylor.

"Who wants to kiss her?" Jc said

"Im not" Kian said

"Move, i will" Nash said, Nash sat next to Lucie and passionately kissed her. Nash pulled away and Lucie just looked at us very confused.

"Kian, please try" Jc said

"Fine" Kian said, he sat on Nash,s lap and started to Kiss Lucie, he pulled away and she froze. I think its working....

"Where am i?" i said, i looked around and saw i was sat in the hospital...



For fuck sake im alive

"Why am i still alive" i sais, everyone hugged me.

"Wait what happened?" I said

"You lost your memory so Kian kissed you and it came back" Aaron said, i looked at Kian wide eyed.

"Why, you hate me" i said

"Im sorry, about everything i have done" Kian said

Still confused on to how im not dead yet....

*time skip*

It had been a few days and today was the day we were getting onto the plane and heading back to California. It was a private plane so only Magcon and O2l were on it. I grabbed my bags and sat next to Trevor. He has been helping me get through the last couple of days. We sat down and the plane started to go....

*2 hour time skip*
"I need a pee" i said, i walked to the toilet and did my business, as i was walking back i saw 2 people stood in the control room, They were playing with the controls. I walked back to my seat and just then the plane started going down....

I herd lots of screams... I ran to the controle room and saw two people i thought i would never see again

Jill and Madison....

A/n- thoughts, sorry for the short chapter, the next one is the last one...

NashtyReynolds Charlie
JasmineGuy Jasmine
jadeystiff15 Jade
Jodie56reynolds Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie 🐢☁️🐙☕️🌵😬📷

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