Chapter 26- Depression

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I have never seen Lucie hit anyone before, she must of really been mad.

"Why" i said

"Why what?" Trevor asked

"Why did you make a joke about Lucie when you could tell she was really mad?" I said

"Since when were you so protective over her?" Kian said

"Im treating her like a sister, after what shes been through?" I said

"Okay then but why did she hit me? She should of hit Jc, he started it" Sam said

"Ill go talk to her" Kian said walking out.

"Good luck" i shouted

what am i even doing with my life?

I feel bad enough for making it look like Ricky was the one who made me get crutches. Everything i have been though has just came back to me in flashs, its really starting to creep me out.

*flash back*

"This is for being a hoe" Nash said kicking me

"This is for being ugly" Aaron said punching me in the nose

"This is for being a bitch!" Matthew said hitting me over the head with a base ball bat

"This is for making my like hell" Cameron said punching me lightly.

"This is for living next door to me" Carter said punching me in the ribs.

"This is for being alive" Jack G said kicking me.

"This is for everything you have done" Hayes said hitting me lightly.

"This is for going to the same school as us" Jack and Shawn said at the same time.they both punched me very lightly , I didn't feel a thing.

"AND THIS IS FOR NEARLY KILLING ME" Taylor said punching me in the stomach.

I watched as Taylor got Matthew and Arron to pin me down. This could be my last day on earth, Taylor got a razor out of his pocket and began to cut My arm, i must of blacked out after that cuz i woke up in the hospital with amnesia.

*flash back over*

"Lucie!" I herd a familiar voice say, I ignored it. Im a worthless peice of shit what no one wants. I climbed down from the top bunk and walked into the lounge, I ignored everyone who was in there. They dont want to waist there time on me, Jc started to shake me.

"Do you mind?" I said.

"your alive!" Jc said hugging me, I pushed him off me

"Why are you acting like this?" Connor said

"Cuz, i have realized that im a worthless peice of shit" i replied.

"No your not" Trevor said.

"I am" i replied

"Dont ever lie to us!" Ricky said, i looked Jc in the eye and he looked really worried.

"When are we stopping?" I asked

"We stopped 5 minutes ago, so the driver can get some sleep, were setting off in 1 hour, why?" Jess said

"Im going out for a while " i said standing up.

"Im coming with you" Connor said.

"Okay but dont stay too close to me" I replied, i saw Connors eyes widen. I walked out the bus and saw we were near a beach. I went into a store and bought a lighter and a beanie. I went in my backpack and saw i had what i needed, I walked out the store.

"Why did you buy a lighter?" Connor said.

"Will you shut up or am i going to have to tie your mouth shut with this?" I said holding the bandana up, it was the one Taylor tied my mouth shut with, i kept it for some reason. Connor nodded, finally i can do what i really want to do!

A/n- thoughts

NashtyReynolds -Charlie
JasmineGuy -Jasmine
jadeystiff15 -Jade
Jodie56reynolds -Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie ☁️☕️🐢🌵🐙📷😂😬

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