Chapter 57-Beach

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*time skip*

We have been at the beach for about 3 hours and were all sat around eating tacos.

"Trevor, we need to go get the thing..." I said

"Oh, the thing, lets go get it" Trevor said. The others looked at us in confusion and i helped Trevor up. We ran back to the tourbus and grabbed the fireworks.

"Do you know how to light these?" Trevor said.

"Yea, i have seen people do it loads of times" i replied grabbing the bag with them in. We walked back near the others, we hid behind a bush and i put one of the fireworks in the ground.

"Okay, stick em all in and when i say run, do it" i said. Trevor nodded. I put light all the fireworks and accidentally set my hand on fire.

"Fuck" I shouted. Trevor picked me up and ran. I tryed to get the fire off my hand.
We got back to the others and i put my hand in Kians drink. Then i herd a huge bang. I looked at the bush and saw it was not there.

"What the fuck happened?" Jc said.

"We tryed to set off fireworks and Lucie set her hand on fire and we blew up the bush" Trevor said.

"Rip bush" i said.

"We have all learn something today" Jess said

"What?" Cameron replied

"Never let Lucie near fireworks" Jess said

"The man in the store thought Trevor was 13" i said laughing Trevor threw his arizona can at me.

"Ow!" I shouted. Just then i got a text, it was off Caspar.

Caspar: theres a halloween party at Troyes house tommorow night, alot of Youtubers are gonna be there and i found out yall are near his house so you should come


Caspar: its fancy dress

I put my phone away.

"Yall we have been invited to a halloween party at Troyes house tommorow night, its fancy dress" i said

"Cool" Jess replied, i looked around and saw Trevor had disappeared again.

"For fuck sake where's Trevor" i asked

"He went to get his phone from the tour bus" Nash said

"Be right back" I replied, i ran to the tour bus and saw Trevor drinking alcohol behind it. He had another 3 bottles next to him. I ran and grabbed the bottle out of his hand and grabbed the other 3 off the floor, i started to run. Trevor chased after me, i ran past the others and they all looked at us confused.

"Lucie get back here!" Trevor shouted. I opened the bottles of alcohol and poared them all out into the sea. Then i threw the bottles and Jc caught in.

"Shit, your in trouble" i said. Me and Trevor walked to the others

"Why did you do that?" Charlie said

"Cuz Trevor needed to be taught a lesson" i said.

"Trevor have you been drinking?" Sam said, Trevor sat down.

"Maybe" he said, Jc laughed.

"Im not trusting you with anything again" Trevor said, i walked away.

Im such a horrid person

A/n- thoughts 😂

NashtyReynolds Charlie
JasmineGuy Jasmine
jadeystiff15 Jade
Jodie56reynolds Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie 🐢☁️🐙☕️🌵😬📷

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