Chapter 28- Flash Back

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after hugging Jc i walked onto the tour bus and everyone looked at me, i saw Sam wasn't there. I think he hates me.

"Sorry" i said and sat down.

"Its fine, where did you go?" Kian said, just then Connor walked on the bus with that bandana still around his mouth, he sat on my lap.

"Sup?" I said taking my bandana off his mouth and stuffing it in my pocket.

"I have a few things to say to you!" Connor shouted, he grabbed my wrist and we sat on my bed.

"What!" I whisper yelled

"Why did you spray paint 'hope' onto the wall?" Connor whispered.

"Cuz, its the only thing i have left" i whispered

"Also why did you randomly stop and ......" Is all i herd before it happened again, i had another flash back, but this one was not bad....

*flash back*

Me and Kian walked out the hotel and got our penny boards out of Kians bag.

"Why did you want me to come with you?" I said putting my board on the floor

"Cuz i like your company also we will have to go into a drugstore (what sells make up and stuff) and i aint going in there on my own" Kian said smiling.

*end of flash back*

It made me think...

Kian has a crush on me?!

Just then i had another flash back.

*flash back*

"What do you want?" Taylor said.

"First thing, stop being rude and second why did you dump Jess?" I said. Taylor put his hand on my mouth silencing me, he grabbed my hand and started leading me outside to a place where no one was.

"Can you answer my question!" I said.

"Cuz i hate her, i was drunk when I started dating her" Taylor said getting closer to me.

"your so horrible" i said, Taylor grabbed the back of my head and started kissing me, i couldn't pull away, he started to bite my neck, the bad thing was that he wasn't even drunk. I kicked him in the leg and ran for my life...

*flash back over*

I seriously need to find a guy and stay with him....

I opened my eyes and saw I must of blacked out or somthing.

"Are you ok? You were breathing heavily then just passed out" Connor said hugging me.

"Yea" i said touching the back of my neck where there is that  scar from when Taylor pushed me off that bridge.

"I think you need to sleep, Connor said.

"Okay" i replied, Connor climbed down my bed and i fell asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about those flashbacks....


Connor walked back into the lounge where we all were sat playing cards, i dont know where Sam is i think he is on his bunk what is under Lucies...

"Bingo!" Trevor shouted

"Were playing cards not bingo!" Ricky said laughing.

"Hey guys, i need to tell you somthing" Connor said

"Whats up?" I replied

"Uhm, i-i-im worried about Lucie" he said sitting down.

"I think we all are" Trevor said.

"No, she was talking to me then froze for like 2 minutes, she was breathing heavily. Then she passed out and woke up like 1 minute later" Connor said

"I think we need to find a way to see into Lucies head" Jc said

"Then we could find out lots of secrets" Kian said smirking.

"Your saying that because you want to see if she has a crush on you Kian, correct?" I said laughing. Kian laughed

"Yes...." He replied, my jaw dropped.

"How long have you had a crush on her for?" Jc said

"Since i kissed her, she had passed out though so she doesn't know i dont think" Kian said

"When was this?" Ricky said

"When we were in that car crash" Kian replied

"Interesting" i replied smirking....

A/n- thoughts

NashtyReynolds -Charlie
JasmineGuy -Jasmine
jadeystiff15 -Jade
Jodie56reynolds -Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie ☁️☕️🐢🌵🐙📷😂😬

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