Chapter 43- Cliff Jumping

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i woke up in a room, i looked in the mirror and saw i was pretty beaten up. I looked at my phone and saw it had been half an hour, I ran out of the house and saw Taylors car.

"Omg what happened?" Taylor said whiping blood off my forhead.

"Im fine, can we talk. Like somewhere private?" I said

"Sure, where?" Taylor said

"Remeber that place we hanged around when we were small?" I said

"The one with the rope swing and the huge cliff?" Taylor said

"Yea" i replied.

"Lets go there!" Taylor shouted, i got into his car and we drove to the forrest.

*time skip*

We got to the forrest and a ran to our old hang out place. It looked exactly how we left it.

"Holy throwback" i said,

"So whats up" Taylor said. I explained everything what had happened to him, i needed someone to talk to about this and hes always been i good listener.

"So, Madison gave Kian a pill what made his body not move and she had sex with him, you were in the room but hid and herd the whole thing?" Taylor said

"yea" i replied

"Also i got arrested" i said

"So.... What do you want to do?" Taylor said.

"Remember that time when that guy jumped off this cliff?" I said pointing at the cliff.

"Yea, he landed in the water, it looked really fun" Taylor said

"Wanna try it?" I said standing up.

"You can" Taylor said laughing, i dont think he actually thinks im gonna do it. I got up and ran to the cliff and jumped. I herd Taylor shout something but i didnt hear what he said. It felt amazing, I thought i could fly. Untill i hit the water and it scared the shit out of me.

*time skip*

Taylor ended up jumping off as well. After we talked for about 3 hours and then i got a text off Kian

Kian: we did use protection right? Since you saw?

Kian: Madison is pregnant

I put my phone in my pocket and ignored the messages.

"Lets go back to the tour bus" i said

"Okay" Taylor replied

We got into Taylors car and drove back to the tour bus. When we got there i totally forgot that i had a black eye and was still in the orange prison uniform, since i had to change cuz i soaked my clothes. Also my head was bleeding and my
Arms and legs, I knocked on the tour bus and Jc opened it.

"LUCIE" Jc said, he picked me up and hugged me.

"Why are you in a prison uniform, also why do you look beaten up" Jc said,

"I'll explain later" i said, I walked onto the tourbus and saw everyone from Magcon and o2l looking at me.

"Why are you in orange?" Jodie said

"Cuz orange is the new black, joke... I got arrested and spent a night in a prison cell, then my mom came and got me. Took me to her house and beat me up" i said.

"Lucie, i have a first aid kit,
Follow me" Kian grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen and locked the door. He pinned me up against the wall.

"Why did you tell Jess and Sam that me and Madison had sex?" He said. The pill must of left his body cuz he was very strong.

"I didn't" i said. Kian looked me in the eyes, i got lost in there. I punched Kian in the ribs and grabbed the first aid kit.

"Thanks" i said fake smiling

I thought things might of changed around here

I guess not

A/n- thoughts?

NashtyReynolds Charlie
JasmineGuy Jasmine
jadeystiff15 Jade
Jodie56reynolds Jodie

Also follow Jess!

Stay Cloudy ☁️

-Lucie 🐢☁️🐙☕️🌵😬📷

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