Chapter 53: I love you

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Enjoy this super-duper late chap! Well, at least it's not a week late... XD This is just a little lovey-dovey chapter, with a small part of this leading to another problem. P.S, comment if you think my writing is better now!

Weeks have passed since Ash received his first official Gym Badge. Lot's of preparations are made for Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie's adventure in Kalos.

SERENA: Well, the trip's not for another month.

ASH: Yeah.

The two walk towards the academy, hand in hand. Miette is quietly seething on the side, unoticed.

MIETTE: Grrr! That Serena has the guts to take MY Ash! And the performance! Her words were lies!

Then, a Nasty Plot comes up in her mind (Get it? Get it?!).

MIETTE: What was that boy's name? The one in the news? Starts... starts with a 'C'...

She sneaks off, as Ash and Serena meet with the others.

DAWN: Finally! Nothing troubling going on!

MAY: Plenty of time to watch you two lovebirds be a couple!

SERENA: Wh- um, sure...

They all share a laugh.

ASH: In a way, she's right. We have some time to ourselves.

SERENA: I guess so. *Adds in loudly* Without stalkers.

The sinister grins are wiped from their friend's faces.



School flies by. Much later...

ASH: Wanna watch the sunset with me?


They walk along a trail in the woods, which lead to a massive hill, overlooking the town. Ash and Serena take their seats on a bench.

They sit in comfortable silence, taking in the beautiful scene. Serena then puts her hand over Ash's.

SERENA: Thank you.

After a moment, Ash responds.

ASH: For what?

SERENA: I don't think I can list them all, but for starters, stopping me from... killing J.

Ash simply smiles.

ASH: That's what we do for each other, right?

SERENA: *Nods* Yeah. And for staying beside me, the whole way.

ASH: Of course. I'd never abandon you.

Serena leans her head on Ash's shoulder and closes her eyes.

SERENA: I'm glad I met you.

ASH: Likewise.

The sun slowly disappears from sight. The couple stays in their position for quite a while, watching the majestic scene. Soon, stars begin to twinkle in the night sky.

SERENA: *Thinks* It's getting late, but I don't want to leave. Staying like this... it makes me happy.

Ash makes me happy.

Ash sighs.

SERENA: Something wrong?

ASH: Not really, it's just the thought that we'll be leaving the Academy behind. And the rest of the gang, too.

SERENA: Well, we're not leaving forever. It's not goodbye- it's hello, when we see them again.

ASH: Ah, sorry. You're right. I shouldn't think about this so much.

The wind gently blows, causing Serena to shiver. Ash takes his jacket off and wraps it around Serena.

SERENA: Thanks, but won't you be cold?

ASH: *Laughs* Nah, I'm good.

Silence follows.

SERENA: Hey, Ash?

ASH: Hm?


SERENA: I love you, you know that?

ASH: Yeah. And I love you, too, Serena.

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