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"You're such a brat"

"You too my love"

He pecks my lips before I jump on the firm mattress. I pick up the tv remote and stare at him from across the room.

"A scary movie." He grins, situating himself in my bean bag in the corner of my white-walled room.

"It's 5pm Harry. I only watch them at night."

"I'll pay you?" He persuades.

I roll my eyes and give in. "Fine. Only because I love you. But you owe me 20 bucks before I press play."

He laughs and walks over to my dresser where his ripped wallet sat.

I swear this boy knows how to get me into things. He practically forced me to fall for him. But his beautiful hair and bright green eyes played he biggest part. We've been dating for almost a year now. Tomorrow's are anniversary.

I press play and he jumps on the bed with me, both of us laying on our stomachs. I guess you could say we're an innocent couple. Being in 11th grade, we know better anyway. And everyone ships us because we just work. I couldn't see myself with anyone else.

15 minutes into the movie, he grabs a few strands of my dirty blonde curly hair and starts playing with it.

"How do you braid?" He laughs.

I swear he has the attention span of a squirrel.

"It's easy. Just divide it into three sections and overlap one over the other." I say, sitting up and demonstrating after running my fingers through my messy knotted hair.

He gives it a try and i squeal as he yanks a few strands.

"Ow, be more gentle." I scold him.

He nods and continues to overlap the strands as I keep my eyes glued to the tv screen.

"Our anniversary is tomorrow." He blurts out and lets down my hair.

"I'm excited!!" I squeal. "What are we doing?"

I see the fear in his eyes as I reach for the remote. I lower the volume then turn to him.

"Uh maybe getting some dinner." He says before smiling nervously. Why is he acting like this?


"Our anniversary is tomorrow."

As I was running my fingers through her hair, I realized tomorrow's our anniversary. I freak out. Not even realizing I said it, the words just slipped from my mouth.

I forgot, tomorrow is my sister's birthday. Big deal right? She lives hours away (a/n ik this isnt accurate but oh whale) and I promised I'd fly in to see her. I can't just cancel my plans on my sister when I have a dinner to go to and a gift to give!

I don't even know what to do so I just stand up saying "I have to go."

She frowns and turns off the movie. She stands up and asks "Why so soon?"

"My dad will be worried."

"You said you're dad's not home."

"Oh I lied, he is." I lied.

"Oh okay. Bye baby love you." She says, hugging me and pecking my lips.

I run out grabbing my stuff and hurry to my car.


*2 hours later*


I had made my decision. I had to tell Alice I can't cancel my plans. Family over friends. Right?


I guess I should explain my story a little.

I'm 17, in the 11th grade and live in London, England. I'm an only child with a loving mum and dad. I live in a small one story house with a small room. It's not the best, but I dont complain. I have dirty blonde curly hair, green eyes and freckles. As you could tell, I'm dating Harry and totally and completely fell in love with him the last 2 months of sophomore year. Can I just say, having someone to lean on when I need them, makes me feel amazing.

I always had trouble making friends until I met him. Now that I met him, It's like no one matters anymore.

Anyway, It's the holiday season. Ahhh my favourite. Here in London, it snows like crazy. It being so early in December though, we haven't gotten that much. It's like crazy money spending month. Our 1 year of dating anniversary, christmas gifts, decoration, lots and lots of coffee...

I jump out of thoughts as my phone buzzes beside me. It's now 6, Harry left about 30 minutes ago. I don't know why he was acting like that. I pick up the phone and say


"Hey babe I have some bad news."

"Aw what's up?"

"We can't go to dinner tomorrow."

"Oh. Why?"

"I have my sister's birthday tomorrow and she lives really far away so I have to fly in for like a week or something."

That's why he was acting so weird!! He forgot about his sister's birthday.

"Oh I totally get it. So you won't be at school?"

"No I won't be there. You'll be find without me." I hear his smile through the phone.

I frown instead. "Okay that's fine. I gotta go eat dinner. Talk to you soon babe. Love you"

"I love you too." He smiles again as the line goes dead.

I drop my phone on my bed and sigh. Oh and I don't have to eat dinner, I lied about that part.

I can't say I'm not upset but I understand I guess it's just like it's kind of a big deal. One year and he's not even going to be here. Wow I'm going to miss him. One whole week?


Hey! Decided to start up fanfic again. This is a pretty long chapter so next chapter might be a little shorter. I have lots planned for this!! A couple things to clear up though.

Yes, Shawn will come in probably next chapter. And yes, Harry is Harry Styles. He'll be out of the picture within like chapter 6 or 7. I have a plan for how I'm going to get Shawn in here and it's going to be bomb soooo :)

Have a good day loves

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