forty six

143 9 5

alice's dress ^^

long wait time for an update means long chapter ;) im kiddinNG KINDA BUT SORRY FOR THE WAIT ILY

quick reminder that this is set as a year ago so handwritten hasnt come out!!


A huge grin formed on my face as I squealed in shock.

Christian. Out of all people. Christian asked me to the prom.

I walked slowly as I passed the candles that spelt out the exciting word before jumping into his arms.

"Thank you for doing this for me." I whispered and hugged him a little tighter.

When we pulled away, my eyes met his smiling ones. {yes smiling with your eyes}

"I knew you didn't have anyone to go with and I just couldn't let you miss it. It's going to be one of the best experiences of your life I promise you." He told me and I couldn't quite wipe the smile off my face. Even though Christian and I were just friends, never more than that, I was so happy I had a guy like him in my life. He'll always be here for me no matter what.


I'm walking home from school, staring at my feet as they step over the sidewalk cracks. Walking slowly, I breathe in the nice, fresh, Spring air. My mind wanders and soon I forget where I even am because I keep my eyes glued to my shoes.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to lock eyes with a tired, crying Shawn Mendes. This is a Shawn I rarely see. Normally I'm the one crying. This shook me up because he's never been this upset around me. It almost worried me, like, has he been like this all week? And all because of me?

"Not who I expected to see." I half-whispered. He smiled a little before I immediately pulled him into a hug. He had this amazing, extraordinary scent. Like orange blossoms and a dozen roses that clashed with the sweet cinnamon smell of his house.

Shawn seemed surprised by my quick action but just held me close. I felt a tear drop on my shoulder which made me shiver a little.

I honestly felt so bad. I've never seen Shawn upset before. And, I've been so caught up in myself. Ever since I went through therapy and slowly got happy, I've been so concerned about only me and my feelings. I didn't even stop to think about Shawn's. Or that I was just overreacting about the whole situation.

So right now, I'm going to do something I might regret but also something I know is the right thing to do. Because if I don't do this, I may never get the love of my life back in my arms.

"Shawn." I say, pulling away from the hug and looking him in the eyes. "I love you. And I'm so sorry for not answering you I'm so sorry for everything." I just blurt out, not really knowing what else say. He doesn't respond, just darts his eyes in a million different directions.

"I love you too." He whispers, another tear {anotha one omg im so annoying pls block me} falling down his cheek. "Can I explain?"

"Of course." I smiled and grabbed his hand as we started walking.

"Alice, Lauren was over for help with a school thing. And I promise. You can ask my family I swear nothing happened. I wish I could've been there when you had a panic attack at the party and I'm so sorry I couldn't help. I'm such a terrible boyfr-"

"You're not I just-I overreacted and it wasn't a big deal."

"It was! I couldn't help you and on top of that, it made it sound like I was cheating."

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