thirty five

194 10 2

I have no idea what tf this chapter is but hope you like it lolz



I fluttered my eyes open to see light pouring in from my windows. I sat up and squinted my eyes as I tried to make out the time on the clock.

8:56 AM

I smiled and laid back down, happy I was able to get sleep, finally. I went to bed early last night because I was in need of some good sleep.

I was about to grab my phone when it beat me to it and buzzed. I picked it up and smiled at the contact name that appeared on the screen.

'Muffin ♡'

"Hi Mendes." I pulled my legs out from under the covers and sat criss-crossed apple sauce.


"Whatcha need?"

"Do you wanna get breakfast?"

"Um sure!" Yolo.

"iHop in 10?"


"Mkayyyy bye."


I quickly jumped out of bed and walked out to find my mum on the couch, scrolling on her phone. I swear she thinks she's a teenager or something.

"Hey mum can I go to iHop with Shawn?"

"Sure. We have like no food here anyway."

I laughed and replied with an 'okay' before going back to my room.

I quickly changed out of my pj's into black leggings and an oversized long sleeve thin grey shirt and slipped on my vans. I walked into my bathroom and added very little mascara then threw my hair up into a bun.

"K I'm leaving!!" I shouted and grabbed my keys, purse and phone before heading out of my room.

"Have funnnn!"

"Bye." I said and walked out the door.

- - - -

When I got there I waited in my little white car until Shawn pulled in. I saw his car and put my phone in my purse and pulled the keys out of the car, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

I stepped out almost the same time as Shawn and we met at the front door.

"Hi." He smiled and walked closer to me, kissing my cheek as I blushed. I love how he still gives me these butterflies.

"Hi Mendes."

"New nickname?"

"No you're still my dorky muffin."

He just laughed and grabbed my hand as we walked in together, heading towards the front desk area thingy.


"2." Shawn said, holding up two fingers.

She nodded and grabbed menus before leading us to a table. It was a small booth thank god!! I hate tables.

It stayed a comfortable silence as we both held our menus up, looking for something. Out of the corner (more like top haha) of my eye I see Shawn smirking and peeping his face out the top of the menu. I giggled and smirked back, moving the menu down so he could see my whole face.

"What?" I asked and he remained smiling at me.

"You're cute."

I just rolled my eyes.

Crazy (s.m)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon