forty four

186 8 4



Next week is prom. Prom. Yikes.

"You need fun! Come onnnn." Cassidy told me while leaning up against the locker next to me. I grabbed my books and shut my locker, turning to face her in the same position she was.

"You can't miss junior prom!"

"Cas there's always next year." I rolled my eyes and started walking, my sandals making soft click on the ground as we walked.

"And there's this year!!" She exclaimed, almost sing-songey.

I turned to look at her and we both giggled. But turning my head was a mistake because I ran into someone. Sadly, not who I wanted it to be. Someone I've learned a bit about in the past week. Blair {waldorf jk}. Blair Caverly.

Blair is almost like her own species. She's not your typical stuck-up-rich-kid-who-looks-like-plastic. She almost lives in her own world of multiple Blair Caverly's. It's like only her and her posse that consists of five other girls live in that world of multiple Blair Caverly's. She's a shit talker and a back stabber, but is also really outgoing and is open to adding more to her clique. And every day, it's a different version of her. You never know how she's going to dress or act, you just go along with it. Also, I've heard she's slept with like fifteen different guys in all four years of her high school, so, if that doesn't explain her in a sentence, I don't know what does.

She flips back her long dark brown straight hair and gives me the fakest smile.

"Alice!" She squealed. I looked at her obviously two- day planned outfit then down at mine to compare them. She was dressed in black disco pants with a tight tan long sleeve top that laced up in the center on her chest. To add on she was wearing classic black strappy sandal-like heels. I was just dressed in jeans, sandals, and a random Brandy Melville cropped sweater.

I fake smiled back then looked over at Cassidy who winked and left me with just Blair.

"Hi Blair." I beamed, running a hand through my hair.

"You were just who I was looking for." She said, biting down on her bottom lip, ruining her shiny light pink lip cream. Then I realized the papers she was carrying. She looked down at them then quickly licked her finger, showing off a way too long acrylic nail, to get a better grip on the paper. Then she shoves the flier in my face and gives me another fake smile.

"Party. My house. Friday 8PM. Be there or you'll end up like the wannabes over there!" She told me and pointed to behind me. I turned around and found her posse. Charlotte, Ariella, Eleanor, Claire, and Brooke. Puke. "Kidding! But I have to go. See you at the party! Chao!" She said, waving like a princess and pranced off to join her clique.

I let out a breath and a laugh, smiling down at the flier then back up as I started walking.

"See you at the party." I mumbled to myself.


- lunch -

I was sitting at my normal lunch table, sandwiched between my friends Monica and Laura as Cassidy and Christian were sitting across from us. I had just sat down with my trey which consisted of fries and fruit snacks.

"I have news." I said, clapping my hands in front of me like an excited little girl.

Everyone squealed, except Christian who rolled his eyes, then quickly hushed. They looked at me with anticipation as Monica and Laura huddled closer to me.

"I'm.." I started as I watched Cassidy unscrew the top of the BLK. water she brought from home. "Going to Blair Caverly's party this Friday!" Immediately, Cassidy spit out the water she just took a sip of.

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