forty seven

121 11 0

short chapter buT HAPPY MEMORIAL DAYYYY!!

btw this book is ending super soon:( so go check out my other shawn book: 'internet friend' that way you have something to read when I finish this book!!

now enjoy chapter 47!!


I gripped Shawn's arm tight the whole way to the after party venue. My dress was beginning to become uncomfortable and my makeup was slowly melting, signaling the end of my night. But of course, I have to go with what everyone else is doing which is more partying.

The uber was honestly the worst 20 minutes of my life. I was sandwiched between two guys with a driver who couldn't speak good English while trying to not be awkward. I could tell that Shawn felt uncomfortable with Christian being this close to me but I didn't let it phase me. He was just being protective.

"You okay?" Shawn asked and looked at me, smiling.

"Yeah." I lied and rested my head on his shoulder as he squeezed my hand tighter.

"That wasn't very definite...what's up?"

"Nothing babe I promise."


"I'm just tired okay?!" I said, accidentally raising my voice.

Realizing this, Shawn let go of my hand and I sat back in my seat, leaning my head backwards.

Slightly sighing and shutting my eyes, I told myself to chill and that everything would be okay.

Right then, the car stopped and I opened my eyes, payed the driver and hurriedly got out. When the building came into view, it wasn't as nice as the place of the actual prom itself, but it was pretty fancy. The inside as already filled with people, music, food, drinks, and long, comfy, black leather couches that wrapped around the circular windows. My heals clicked on the sidewalk as Shawn opened the door for me, Christian and I following. I immediately wanted to find a place to sit down, but Shawn showed me around first.

I found the food, drinks, tables, and restrooms. But in the center was a huge stage where a microphone, guitar, and drums sat. I wonder who was performing? Curious, I asked Shawn.

"Is there going to be music?"

"Yeah! I found this super cool band that's alternative yet pop. They're performing later so until then, we have a DJ. Wanna meet them?"

I was shocked at the suddenness but I thought, why the hell not. Even though my dress was covered in Hawaiian punch and my hair's curls were more like waves, I decided to move along from the crowd and Christian with Shawn to find this mysterious band.

He led me to the stage and the small door behind it where they all sat. Before I could even get a look at the guys, Shawn spoke.

"Hey guys! This is my girlfriend Alice."

I waved and smiled.

"Hi. I normally don't have punch on my outfit and my makeup usually looks better but nice to meet you."

"Hey Alice. I'm Mike." A tall blonde one said and stood up, shaking my hand.

"Hi. I'm Wesley." The next one stood up and shook my hand as well. This one was very attractive; dark brown hair in a quiff wearing a maroon t-shirt and skinny jeans.

"Last one, of course." The last one stood up and smiled, rolling his eyes. "I'm Dylan." He shook my hand as I smiled back.

"So yeah we're performing mainly alt-"

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