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Long chapter for ya <3 this is a good one xx


This is wrong. Everything about this is wrong. But I need someone right now even if it means falling for someone.

Everything was rushing towards me in this moment but all I care about is Shawn. I don't even know him that well but it's like it's meant to be. Maybe this kiss doesn't mean anything. It's just a comfort sort of thing. Right?

I pull away and he smiles. I smile back.

"So what does this mean?" He asks, leaning back a little, running his hand though his hair.

"Can we just keep it between you and me? I can really only keep this as a one time thing. I'm in love with someone else." I blurt out.

"Of course." he replies. I could see he was a little hurt but he understands. I look across the room at a guitar case.

"You play?" I ask, standing up and changing the subject. I walk over to the case and turn to look at him.

"Yeah. I make covers on vine and stuff...." He says, again, running his hand through his hair.

"What?! No way." I say, surprised. Keeping this small talk was good. It gets my mind off of my mom leaving, us kissing and Harry.

"Yeah. I'm pretty popular." He laughs a little.

"What's your number?" I quickly ask, sitting back down with him. "You can write it on my hand since my phone is at home." He laughs at that last part and stands up to grab a pen.

After getting his number we kept talking about things, getting to know each other better.

I knew I had to leave and go back to face my dad.

But leaving would be hard. I didn't want to leave him. It's like being around him makes me stop thinking about all the bad things and makes me happy.

"Is it crazy?" I ask, breaking the silence that's lasted about 45 seconds.


"That we just met but we're already close?"

"A little." He says, laughing softly. "I like crazy."

"Me too."


*2 hours later*


I decide to stay home from school the next two days because what's the point? Tomorrow is Thursday and Harry gets back next Tuesday. Christmas is also on Tuesday so Harry can get back to his family by then. Yes, he went by himself.

My dad stopped talking to me. I stopped talking to him. The only time I really saw him was for breakfast and dinner. He was gone during the day so I had to make myself lunch. I kept myself locked away in my room to avoid him. But it's like the more I did that I felt lonely, trapped, depressed. I tried to watch tv and YouTube and just everything. The one thing I haven't done was listen to Shawn's songs. As his friend. I grab my phone and turn down my tv. Looking him up on YouTube I find millions of results. I watched all lyric videos to his songs like Life of the Party, One of Those Nights, Show You, etc. Wow he's good. I also found out he was on tour with Austin Mahone like whaaa.

Within in hour I've watched all of his vines, covers, followed him on twitter and added him to my contacts. The writing on my palm was slowly fading away but I could still make out what the numbers were.

'Hey it's Alice :)' I send, giving him a minute to respond.


'What's up?'

'I'm doing some christmas shopping with my mum and sister lol kms. What about you?'

'In bed, watching YouTube.'

'Aren't you supposed to be at school? It's only 1'

'Ya I'm staying home today and tomorrow. I can't handle going to school right now. Everything is just blowing up in my face.'

'Oh haha. Well i gtg my mum wants me to pick a gift for my bye <3'

'Bye <3'

I put up my phone and close my eyes, thinking of all the things going on right now. All I'm looking forward to is next Tuesday, Christmas, when Harry comes back. I just need to see his face.



It's Saturday and I'm spending it in my bed again. All the memories of before, when we were just a happy couple wont leave my head. I just need someone right now. Being alone sucks.

A knock on the door sends me jumping out of my bed and jogging a few steps out of my room before my dad could get it first. I reach for the doorknob and soon see a flushed, adorable, shivering Shawn. He's wearing black skinny jeans, a white v neck and a maroon hoodie, zipped up with his hands in the pockets. His hair is perfectly up, his cheeks and nose are red from the cold and his smile is bigger than ever. I probably looked awful. My hair in a messy bun, some leftover mascara from yesterday, an oversized sweatshirt and leggings.

"Hey." I softly laugh.

"Can I come in? I'm freezing." He laughs as well.

"Yeah of course." I shut the door behind him and he shakes off his black vans.

My dad is in his room, door closed and no sound coming from it. Assuming he doesn't care, I lead Shawn a few steps to my room.

"This is...where I've spent the last few days." I say, closing the door behind me. He nods and starts walking around, admiring my room.

I sit on the edge of my bed, looking down at my feet. He soon joins me and stares at me for like a minute.

"So...why'd you come?"

"I-I wanted to see you. I know you're going through a lot and I just want to be here for you, since right know you don't have anyone." This made me so happy. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. He really cares about me. A lot.

"You didn't hav-"

"But I did." He cuts me off. "How have you been doing? Do you know where your mum is? Yanno so you can see her?" I try to hold back tears as he says this. Any mention of my mum made me upset. I kept replaying the words she said before she left. I look down as a tear falls down my cheek.

"N-no. She's not replying to my calls and I gave up trying to make any contact with her yesterday. She's gone for good Shawn. What if I never get to see her?"

He notices the pain in my eyes and says, "I'm sure you'll find her. She's not mad at you. You didn't do anything this isn't your fault."

"I know." My voice quivers and I start crying more. He pulls me into a hug and rests his head on my head.

"I promise baby everything will be okay."


I pull away and sniffle. "Thank you so much for being here for me." He wipes my cheek with his thumb and says, "No problem. Come here." and slides us up closer to my headboard.

He leans back, letting me fall into his chest.

Lying here felt so good. When he held me it was like all my worries went away. He made me realize, everything will be okay.

He starts to run his fingers through the pieces of hair that have fallen out of my bun. This could possibly be the best thing that's happened to me this week.

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