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*short chapter im sorry!*

Going to try and make the next chapter about 20 pages because ik it sucks to get all excited for an update and it be like nothing.

But I've been busy with cello practice and doing vlogmas soooo ya lol hope u enjoy this tho:)

OH AND ALSO, look at the new cover...I'm proud. May or may not of stolen that pic from is snapchat story....he's so cute. ANDDDDD I changed the name hehehe c:

xoxo (gossip girl)


I watched her leave then closed the door. It was tearing me apart. Leaving. I didn't want to see her go. I'm going to think about her more and more and how I wish we were together and how I wish I could see what cute things we'd do for each other.

I walked into the living room and covered my face with my hands. I needed to get my mind off this. I'm only making myself feel worse. Just then, Aaliyah comes in and sits down and opens a soda. I just ignore her.

"Is it Alice?" She said and I perked my head up at the mention of her name.

"Yeah." I looked at her.

"You'll see her soon and I promise she won't forget about you." She said, sipping her drink.

"I know. It's just like, what's the point of even talking a lot and going through all this pain if right now it's nothing more than just friends who met each other off the street?" I don't even think that makes sense....I don't care.

"True. I bet she likes you though." I nodded but I knew she was wrong. Alice doesn't like me like that. Ugh our relationship is so confusing. "Just don't stress out about her being gone. Talk to her everyday and it'll be like she never left." I nodded again and got up to go get my stuff together. At least my sister cared.

"We're leaving in 15 minutes!!" My mum yelled up the stairs and I replied with an, "okay".

Once everything of mine was packed I laid on my stomach on my bed and started texting Alice.

'I miss you already <3' That sounded creepy...I sent it anyway and she immediately responded.

'I miss you too :'('

I read it smiled. I just wish we never had to leave. I could just stay and hold her anytime I wanted and kis-no. stop.

I sighed and put up my phone because I didn't know what else to say.

When we finally left I was dreading going back home. I didn't want to leave. I hated this time of year. It's like, once Christmas and New Year's is over, there's nothing fun for like two months. Ugh.

"Got everything?" My mom checked with us before we got in the car. Me and Aaliyah both muttered an "mhmm".

The car ride there was short and silent. I stayed glued to my phone, looking at pictures I took with Alice. This was too weird. Am I like stalking her? Wtf is wrong with me...she's probably sitting in her car, excited about her new perfect life and isn't thinking about me that much. Yeah she was upset we had to separate but she's probably already over it and I'm sitting here, trying not to cry more.


I'm riding in the car with my headphones in, occasionally pulling them out when my dad asked me a question. The new flat was only about 20 minutes but it felt like years. I couldn't stop thinking about Shawn. How I want to kiss him right now. How I want to cuddle up in front of a firepla-stop. No, Alice.

I sighed when we got there and I put a fake smile on my face as my dad turned to me.

"Excited?" He gave me a thumbs up. I kept smiling and nodded. When we brought out all boxes out (the ones we could carry),we walked towards the building. I dreaded walking up these stairs. Like wtf are they trying to kill me? (a/n ik im using abbreviations instead of actually spelling things out but im too lazy and I feel like Alice is that kinda person who would say abbreviations out loud) After walking up and down the stairs about a million times I almost passed out. haha. Why is that funny?

I got my mind off Shawn by scrolling through Instagram while waiting, outside the apartment door, for my dad to get the key. "Ready?", he said, after stacking a few more boxes. I smiled and looked up. I hope it was cute, all I saw was the picture online.

"Of course." I replied.

We slipped the key in the keyhole and twisted the doorknob. I gasped. It was amazing. It was huge and open and modern. The floor was a nice light wood with white walls and huge windows, showing the beautiful town. It was so bright because of the long huge window down the wall. It was blank until you turned to your right and columns divided the kitchen. If you walked farther than the kitchen, there was a small hallway with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, each attached to each other. I couldn't love it any more.

"It's amazing!!" I said and hugged my dad.

"Glad you like it. Now lets get started on unpacking." He said, patting my back then pulling away. I nod and we started with the boxes outside our door. We dragged them into the openness.



We boarded the plane and I kept my headphones in the whole time, ignoring everyone. Aaliyah would occasionally yank one out to try and cheer me up but it wasn't working. She even tried tickling but I just pulled her hair and she squealed, never touched me again after that.

When we got on I buckled when they told us too, still going on my phone till they told me to put it away. Once we were in the air, I unbuckled and found myself snuggling up and drifting off.


"SHAWN. WAKE TF UP." My sister yelled at me. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter. I felt her nudge me and poke my cheek. Then she started hitting my arm and I groaned, opening my eyes. "Put your seatbelt on, brat." she said and I rolled my eyes, buckling up.

"It's so cold!!" Aaliyah said and shivered while we were about to land.

"I know!! WHY CANADA?!" I screamed over the loudness. She just laughed.

Eventually, we safely landed and we were able to finally leave.

"Shawn hunny please take your headphones out." My mum said, tapping me as we loaded into our car.

"Ugh." I said and yanked them out, stuffing them in the pocket of my black skinny jeans. I climbed in the car and sat in the back with Aaliyah. My mom wanted me to get off my phone and not be so mopey but I disobeyed her when Alice texted me.

'OMG I love my apartment!!! WHATCHA THINK? :)' The biggest smile was on my face as I opened the picture. Wow. It was goals...I sound like such a white girl I should stop.

I could see us in this apartment. All together and cu-STOP!! I shook my head, breaking my thoughts and responded.

'THATS SO PERFECT.' I sent, softly laughing.

'ikr!! cRyiNg' She sent back. I didn't want to stop texting because it made me happy, but my mom was getting mad so I quickly and sloppily finished my last text.

'gtg my mum is kinda being a byotch love ya lmao' I just smiled. Wait. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!! I JUST SAID LOVE. Okay maybe she took it in a friendly way...I HATE MYSELF. Then I got a message quickly saying 'not delivered'. BLESS BABY JESUS!!! I just got saved. Seriously, it was this area though, my signal dropped and I couldn't do anything till we made it to my neighborhood. I sighed and put my phone up, waiting for us to get home.

When I finally had wifi, my mum yelled at me again to get off my phone and unpack. I groaned again and started carrying my bags up to my room.

Even though I missed Alice more than anything right now, I was happy to finally sleep in my own bed and pour milk out of a bag. What fool came up with the idea of milk in cartons?

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