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Hey guys!

Happy thanksgiving <3

also I just wanted to mention, this may seem a little weird but the new year is going to be 2015 because, I changed how in an earlier chapter, she watched the Life of the Party video instead of Stitches because I wanted the new year to be 2015 and him not be that popular yet ya feel?

anyway enjoy this long chapter while you eat turkey!!

* Sunday Night *


We got back around 2 hours ago and Shawn and I are just watching a movie in the living room. I hear a knock on the door and it makes me jump. Shawn laughed and got up. I heard him open the door and I just kept my eyes focused on the movie.

"The door is unlocked yanno." He said, quickly closing the door before too much air comes in.

"You're so annoying." I hear a voice. Who is that?

"Wait don't go upstairs. Have you even noticed there was someone staying with us?"

"Yeah I just never met the girl." She said and Shawn turned her around to face me on the couch.

"Hey, I'm Aaliyah." Ohhh. She was cute.

"I'm Alice. You're cute." I smiled at her and she smiled back before going upstairs.

I laughed and Shawn came back to sit next to me.

"She can be a brat sometimes." He said and I laughed harder.

"She seems nice." I respond after I got myself to quit laughing. He just rolled his eyes and we continued watching the movie. I had a bunch of furry blankets and I was sitting a little far apart from Shawn. I scooted closer and he pulled me into his chest. I swear this was so comfortable. My eyelids got heavy and I eventually felt myself drift off.



She laid her head in my chest and I started stroking her hair. I loved this. I never wanted to let go. I saw her slowly fall asleep. But I couldn't sleep. I just sat there, thinking about us. She needed someone. And I wanted to be that someone. She'd have to go to a new school with new people and I don't want her to be scared. I just want to go with her on that first day and help her to her classes, her locker, help her make new get the point. What if she has another panic attack like she did last week? What if she keeps cutting? Okay stop Shawn, she'll be fine.

I kept petting her hair and 'watching the movie' while thinking about everything thats been on my mind the past week.

Our friendship had really gotten stronger. We could casually talk about anything and not be worried about saying something wrong. I liked having that. I was turning into her best friend and I was loving it. If this ever turns into something more, I'd be glad to tell people I fell in love with my best friend.


* New Year's Eve (around 5pm) *


'Help, I have no idea what to wear tonight!!' I tweet after adding 3 pictures of different outfits.

My mentions flood and everyone chooses the 2nd outfit. It was a maroon shirt with a black leather jacket, some black skinny jeans and my black vans.

I smiled and decided to wear that one. I put it on, checked in the mirror and ruffled my hair to fix it. Alice had been showering and getting ready since like 2.

Crazy (s.m)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن