forty three

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YAY NEW UPDATE! I hope you guys had an amazing easter!

In this chapter a new character is introduced. Her name is Cassidy. I imagined her to look like Savannah Montano. Just google her haha


{beginning of March}

Lots has happened in the past two weeks after the trip. The therapy sucked at first but when I started listening to her and telling myself that I wanted to get better, it worked. Although I still dreaded school, the first day back wasn't as bad as I expected. Many people actually gave me sympathy, others acted like nothing happened so they could use me to get to Shawn. But one person...was different. Bet you could guess who it was. Yup. Laur.

Realizing what she had done the day I had returned from hibernation, she kept her head down the whole class, not daring to look at me. Thank god, the teacher had separated us. I was now sitting next to a really sweet and beautiful girl named Cassidy. We've been getting along ever since I changed seats and she never made fun of me for my cuts or depression.

And speaking of the cuts and depression, it's slowly fading away. Some days I will still have anxiety attacks and break downs but the medicine is really helping. Shawn is too. He's always here for me and I'm not going to lie, we're annoyingly cute. We talk to each other like we're little kids. Like we're only best friends who tell each other everything and gossip about irrelevant things.

So I thought Lauren ignoring me would solve all the issues, but Shawn really wanted to talk to her about the whole situation because it still made him a little upset. So today, a cold snowy Saturday, he was going to Lauren's to talk about everything. I was scared as fuck, crossing my fingers everything was going okay.

My mum decided to take me to the mall while the whole thing was going on so I wouldn't sit and worry about it. The mall always puts me in a good mood.



Alice. Alice is doing so well. She's finally able to smile and laugh again, putting everyone around her in a good mood. She's talking about school on a positive note and prioritizing happy things.

Lauren. Lauren is still a bitch {hi okay same shawn}. But I'm hoping to fix that today. So, before I could process what I was doing, I found myself taking a deep breath at her doorstep.

Gulping, I rang the doorbell. It was quiet for a bit until I hear her and her mum arguing about who should open the door. Then footsteps got louder and the doorknob turned. My palms got sweaty and I felt my heart nearly beating out of my chest when I saw her face. Her smile disappeared and she cleared her throat.

"Uh..hi Shawn."

I gave her a weak smile and looked inside as if asking her if I could come in. She nodded and led me in, closing the door behind me.

"Hi." Is all I said, already feeling the awkwardness growing.

"I'm guessing you came here to 'talk'." She said, putting air quotes around talk.

"Uh yeah."

She sighed then walked me over to the couch. "Sit down, Mendes."

I did as she said and she joined me, crossing her legs.

"So..." I started, scratching the back of my neck out of nervousness. Yanno what? Fuck it. I'm going to tell her whats on my mind. So don't you dare comment 'woah that escalated quickly' because I fucking know you sneaky shits. "Why? Why did you choose to do this to her? To someone I care so deeply about? You don't know anything she's going through. And out of all people, you have no idea what it's like to be medically depressed."

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