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so sorry this is short:( but ily guys and i didnt wanna keep you waiting! enjoyyyyy <3



About 15 minutes into (a/n netflix and chill...IM SO SORRY HOLY) the class, I was only on the sixth problem, a knock on the door startled me and broke the silence in the classroom. I figured it was some teacher coming for papers or whatever so I kept myself focused on the problem I was on. My pencil kept moving even as the teach-satan got up to open the door. Then a voice that sounded so familiar filled the room. I didn't hear what the person said because I was too focused on figuring out who it was.

"I'm here for Alice Warner." Was all I could hear.


I shot my head up at the mention of my name and my mouth dropped, along with my pencil. I couldn't believe it. My mind kept telling me, go, run and don't care about anything, but my body stayed glued to the desk. I made eye contact and felt myself smile. All the thoughts, running through my head while Courtney and the teacher where talking and asking questions. I just tuned them out. Finally, I got myself to stand up, shooting the chair backwards and running in for a hug. I threw my arms around his neck and he grabbed me below my shoulders. I nuzzled my head into his neck and smiled. I was legit going to get killed by the teacher but idgaf right now.

"Shawn.." I whispered, hugging him tighter. Damn, I really freaking missed him."You're h-here." I said, letting a few tears of joy fall down my cheeks.

The teache-satan, I really need to stop doing that, cleared his throat, breaking the silence only everyone else noticed, and I stepped off of Shawn.

"What is all of this about?" He said and I quickly stood up straight, clearing my throat and wiping my tears.

"I'm checking her out early today, they allowed me to come to the class." Shawn said before turning and smiling at me. The words he said made me so happy. He effing flied. FLIED!! All the way here just to spend one more day with me. This means we'd get more fun today and we'd get back on a plane tomorrow. I don't know why Shawn was so stupid and bought tickets for Ed's NY concert...like he could've just waited a little and gotten London tickets. Oh well, that's not the point. (a/n they're staying in a hotel and everything with Shawn's mom who flew in on this Thursday with Shawn so like that way they could fly to NY for the concert and stay in a hotel not alone ya feel?)

"Well, hurry up, you're wasting class time." He said, crossing his arms. Jesus christ..

"Yes sir," I said, heading towards my desk and packing up my stuff. I looked over and Courtney was literally crying. But softly so no one could notice. She was freaking out about Shawn.

"T-t-that's r-really S-Shawn." She whispered. I just nodded and laughed. While Shawn was looking away she got out her phone and started taking a ton of pictures.

"Chill fam." I said to her after grabbing my backpack.

"Tell him I love him." She said, wiping her tears.

"Of course." I said, pushing in my chair. She patted my forearm.

"Go get your boy."

I just rolled my eyes and walked towards Shawn, quickly being led out the classroom door. I couldn't be more happy. Before walking any further down the hallway, Shawn stopped and pulled us against the wall. His back was to the wall and I was in front of him, standing on my tip-toes.

"I've missed you so much." I whispered, looking him in his beautiful brown eyes. I felt a few more tears escape my eyes again.

"Not as much as I've missed you." He said. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you so bad.

I leaned in for a hug and I snuggled into his neck again. It's so warm in there wtf. I didn't want to let go but he did first. We walked down the hallway, talking as we headed out the school.

"I can't believe you came this whole way." I said, smiling bigger.

He just laughed. "Well believe it." Oh my god he's so cute.

"So what's the plan?" I ask him. He just groans and laughs. He hates when I organize. I'm sorry I just really like to know what we're doing and when we're doing it!

"My mom is already at the hotel I booked us here and we're staying in it tonight then tomorrow we're flying to Canada and staying at my house till Sunday." He said as I fixed my bookbag strap and walked out the school doors.

"Got it. So we're staying at a hotel here? In London?"

"Mhmm." He replied. I smiled.

"And does my dad know?" He rolled his eyes at my many questions.

"Yes. We planned the whole thing so you have nothing to worry about." He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Ahskahajsjiajalsjd WHY HIS HE DOING THIS TO ME.

Now get in so we can get to the hotel faster!!" He laughed and let go of me, sadly, then poked my arm. I laughed back and rolled my eyes as I climbed in the passenger seat (a/n Alice walks to school in case you were wondering about her car).

When we got situated in the car he turned on the radio softly in the background. My head was facing towards window so I could hide my smile but he knew I was so happy. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw his hand creep towards mine. Holy. Shit. He's so cute omg. His hair is so perfect right now. Look at how cute his little flushed cheeks are. He intertwines our fingers and butterflies erupt in my stomach. This is not normal. He gives me this feeling that's so weird like in the moment I just wanna kiss him and be in love but other times it feels like we're nothing but friends. I smiled and leaned back in the seat. He could tell I was blushing.

"You're cute when you blush." STOP WTF SHAWN. I just giggled and blushed harder.

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