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I don't know where this was going. I don't
want to know what will happen next. I just want to see.



I wake up, curled next to Shawn. (a/n i swear they just fell asleep cuddling lmaoooo) My dad fell asleep so I decided to just sleep in Shawn's room. Just hope my dad hasen't woken up yet...

My head was on his chest. He looks so cute just lying there, holding me. He soon wakes up as well.

"Morning cutness." I say, smiling at him.

"Hello beautiful." He says, sitting up with me, rubbing his eyes.

We both hop out of bed. How could someone look so adorable with flannels and messy hair?!

I was wearing leggings with an oversized long sleeved shirt and my long hair was down, curly.

"My dad will kill me if he found out I fell asleep in your room..." I laughed a little.

He laughs softly as he looks down at his white t-shirt. "No one's awake yet it's only 8."

I sighed and leaned back against the headboard. He sits back down on the bed next to me and it's quiet for a while.

"So we're leaving to go back to Canada like Tuesday."

"Yeah I know...I don't wanna think about it."

"W-what are we going to do?"

"We'll talk all the time and I'll visit when I get off from school."

"Yeah. It's just, as soon as I leave I have to start online school since I'm doing more shows and I'm worried I just won't be home that much."

"I'll come to your shows, to see you." I smile.

He smiles slightly and runs his hand through his hair. I know he does this when he's nervous or upset. It looked like he was about to cry. I hug him.

"Shawn I don't know what I'll do without you."

"Me either." He says. Suddenly my heart aches at the thought of everything thats happening. In just a week my life has changed so much. I miss how calm everything was. I want my life back. But I'm hoping that moving to new place and hopefully being something more than friends with Shawn will be like it was before. I know this is crazy, and it's probably wrong but I love him. I've fallen for him in just a couple weeks (a/n exactly 2 weeks) and the thought of it makes me smile. It feels like we've known each other forever. Us now staying together for a while is definitely going to make us closer. I hope he feels the same way about me as I do him.


*later that day*


We decided to go to a local bookstore to spend some time together. After changing and getting ready we get into Shawn's car.

"How long's the drive?" I ask as he plugs the address into his GPS.

"10 minutes." He says, putting the key in.

I pick up my phone and scroll twitter, reading Shawn's tweets. I want to tweet something about him but I don't know if the fans are ready for us yet. They don't even know I exist right now and I think I should keep it like that for at least a few days. When we start driving he starts to talk. Just about how he started vine and doing covers, etc.

The bookstore was old, but cute. It's one of those places where couples would go after getting Starbucks and just talk about books or anything really. The outside is dark brick and moss creeps up the side of one corner but the sign is new and nice. As we walked through the doors, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. It felt so good. To be like it was before, with Harry, but with someone who actually cares about me.

We strolled between the bookshelves, looking for something to buy. I soon find my way towards the records and music section. I love music and I've been listening to Ed Sheeran ever since he became a thing. Shawn was just trailing behind me, not wanting to look at anything. I picked up 'X' and asked shawn, "Should I buy this? I don't have any iTunes money so I've been using spotify to listen to it."

"Definitely." He smiles. He's actually close with Ed, as I found out literally less than 20 minutes ago, so that probably made him happy.

I picked it up and checked out. After I checked out we talked a little then we headed towards the doors.

"Woah..I didn't bring an umbrella." He laughs, realizing its pouring outside.

"Let's just run for it." I laugh too.

"Get on my back." He smiles.



She smiles and runs her fingers through the million cds and found one. It was Ed's 'X'. YASSSSS.

"Should I buy this? I don't have any iTunes money so I've been using spotify to listen to it." She asked.

"Definitely." I smile.

She held it by her side and walked to the front desk. After she checked out we talked a little then headed towards the doors.

"Woah..I didn't bring an umbrella." I nervously laugh, just now realizing its pouring outside. I swear it wasn't raining when we got here.

"Let's just run for it." She laughs. I like that idea.

"Get on my back." I smile a little. This is going to be so cute.

She hops on and we run through the doors. When we get to my car I let her down and we stand there for a second. We're already soaking so why worry about it. She stands on her tip toes and wraps her arms around my neck and I lean in. This couldn't get anymore perfect. It was such a good moment that I leaned in further and kissed her. But she didn't kiss back. Shit, I was too soon. She's going to hate me.

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