thirty nine

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Kinda short chapter butttt the first part is Shawn's POV of what just happened.

Oh and also, 2K READS OMG!! Thank you guys so much i love you to the moon and back times a million <3



I sighed and walked into Alice's bedroom, plopping down on her bed as her mum's muffled voice could faintly be heard through the door. I scrolled through twitter, instagram, my texts, everything. After I heard a little squeal and it startled me, I got up off her bed and peeked through the door, slowly cracking it open just a bit.

"What's happening? I heard a squeal?" I asked.

"I-I'm going with you." She smiled and stood up. My heart stopped and I smiled so big, all of the thoughts of her being hurt going away as I ran out of the room and pulled her into a tight hug. I lifted her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist, her head snuggled in my neck.

"Yay." I said, laughing a little. She then pulled her head out of my neck and pecked my lips.

"Let's get away." She whispered and I smiled, nodding.

I couldn't wait, I was so excited I could know she was okay and I could hold her every night we were gone.

"Let's go tell my mum." I whispered and she giggled excitedly, nodding and jumping down.

"Just a sec." She said, running towards her mum, who was sitting on the couch, and hugging her.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" She squealed and quickly pulled away then ran back over to me, hopping on my back.

"We'll be back!" She said to her mom and her mom waved and smiled as she watched us run out the door and get into my car.

We got there, told my family the news then she walked home to start packing and freshen up. We were leaving soon and I couldn't be more happy.


- at the airport -


This last minute trip could possibly be the best thing that's happened to me this year. I could smile and forget about everything for a week. I could get away and only be with Shawn.

I was also really pumped because it was just Geoff and John with Shawn and I so we would have a room all to ourselves. Just like the concert trip...when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Now I'm hoping this time something special can happen to make me remember it. {IM NOT GOING TO WRITE SMUT BUTTTTT ;)}

"I'm so excitedddd." I beamed, squeezing Shawn's arm as we started walking into the airport. I couldn't believe my mum actually let me go.

"Me too." He said, grabbing my hand and tightly interlocking our fingers.

Geoff and John were way ahead of us as we walked towards our gate, us trailing far behind. As we walked many people stopped us for pictures and of course we both agreed. Taking pictures with fans is an amazing feeling and I love doing it. It makes me so happy to see their faces all lit up.

This was helping me a lot, all the pain I just experienced had gone away. I'm still upset at everything Lauren had said but this is getting my mind off of it.

When we finally made it through some screaming girls and through all the security shit we were finally boarding. I was so excited my heart was racing a million miles an hour. I've been on planes before obviously so I'm never really scared but I guess I'm a little more nervous today. Shawn clutched my hand tighter and we found seats for the four of us. We were a little late because of all the fans so our seats were separated a little bit.

When we were buckled and everything, I rested my head on Shawn's shoulder as we both pulled out our phones. There was comfortable silence as opened Snapchat and replied to some then posted a picture of me with my head on Shawn's shoulder. He just laughed at me and scrolled on his phone as well.

"Should I make my Snapchat public?" I asked him as the intercom started going on about basic plane safety and stuff.

"Like let anyone send you snaps?"

"Yeah." I replied, still scrolling.

"Sure why not." He shrugged a little and I smiled then went to change it in my settings. I also tweeted about it and stuff.

When we were about to take off, Shawn and I had started a conversation about guitar because that and muffins are pretty much his world. So I didn't mind talking about it. He was telling me how he wanted to teach me some day and the thought of it made me happy. His arms wrapped around me from behind, helping me with the cords as I strummed. Just imagining it gave me butterflies.


{3am arriving at hotel}

Once we got settled in our rooms we both laid on our stomachs together, face in the comforter of the bed.

"My body is tired but my brain isn't." Shawn mumbled and I giggled, sitting up.

"What." I managed to get out in between laughs.

"Yanno..." He trailed off and eventually sat up with me.

"No I don't know." I said, smiling as he inched closer to me. Our lips met and goosebumps raised up on my skin. Every time we kissed he gave me this incredible feeling. Every time.

"I love you." He mumbled between our lips and I smiled through the kiss. I found myself wrapping my legs around his waist and him grabbing my back with one hand, leaving no gap between us. The electricity was crazy and my mind wandered to only think of him. How lucky I was so be here instead of back home, curling up in a ball to hide away from my troubles.

Minutes passed and even though we were exhausted, my lips never left his. My arms remained around his neck or sometimes cupping his cheeks.

Right before anything else could happen, I hear someone attempting to unlock the door. I still didn't pull away because I don't think he heard it. But then the door opened and we immediately stopped, sitting normal and fidgeting at our clothes. I cleared my throat as Geoff walked farther in, a weird look plastered on his face.

"Um I just came to give you this extra room key.." He said, sitting a card down on the desk. Shawn nervously laughed as Geoff slowly walked backwards towards the door again.

"Thanks just...knock next time." Shawn said, forcing a smile. Geoff nodded then was out the door. I let out a deep breath and we both shared a laugh. Then he scooted closer and pecked my lips. "What were we doing again?" He whispered. I smiled and bit down on my bottom lip before crashing mine with his.

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