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{five years later}

I had waited 5 whole years of flipping through the pages of my yellow lined worn-out notebook I used for songwriting. I knew the day would soon come, but I had only ever dreamed of it. I always thought our relationship was too spontaneous and too much all over the place for commitment, but that was what drove me to this decision. Our spontaneousness.

Alice has kept me motivated these past years, always keeping her head in books and studying long hours for her college exams. That aspect of her kept me going as well, knowing I could work as hard as she could.

And even though Alice had the spark of hard working in that small, delicate body of her's, she also knew how to be crazy and carefree. She'd go from one story to a next within seconds, her beautiful voice never leaving me. Somehow she was nothing and everything at the same time.

I had determined that I fell in love with everything about her. Even though I already comprehended this after the first week of knowing her, it dawned on me the five years I spent with her, in an apartment. Our apartment.

So finally, after days, weeks, and months of preparing for this day, it's finally come. My struggle to keep this a secret from her is at it's worst today, as I'm extremely anxious realizing the moment is seconds away.

"God, I remember this place." She smiled, shutting the car doors and slowly lacing our hands together as we looked at the field of endless daisies in front of us.

I chuckled and stayed silent as we kept walking to a spot we thought was great to set our blanket down and watch the stars.

After setting everything up and propping ourselves up on our hands, we lay with our feet out in front of us, staring up at the sky full of wander and things we don't understand (but wish to) yet.

"We're just two losers who are afraid of commitment aren't we." She looked at me, smiling and biting her bottom lip. I smiled back as she threw her head back with laughter. I was shocked she said such a thing. It was like she read my mind. Looking at her green emerald eyes as they crinkled with laughter, reminded me of how much she makes me happy.

"But maybe I'm not." I half-whispered and rolled over onto just one arm, inches away from her face.

Getting one more quick glance at her sparkling green eyes and dark eyelashes, I peck her lips then sit back, on her legs.

"This isn't proper, because when am I ever proper, and this might not be how you imagined this moment, and this might not be with the guy you want it to, but I sure as hell hope it is because, damn, Alice Warner, I'm in love with you," I said, breathing the last part as I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out the box that held our future. "I'm in love with everything about you. The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh. The way I never know where you are or what you're doing. And the way you're eyes sparkle when I say those three words. I love your mystery, your spontaneity, your energy, and your crazy amount of free-spiritness," I smiled as she covered her mouth with one hand, tears welling in her eyes. "That's not even a word," I laughed, referring to the "word" 'free-spiritness'. "But, darling, all I'm trying to ask is, will you fucking marry me." I finished.

"That's a quarter." She told me, referring to the bet we made of giving her a quarter every time I cursed. She giggled and removed her hand to grab my neck and kiss me, her cold lips hitting my soft warm ones, sending electric shocks throughout my body.

"Is that a yes?" I mumbled into our kiss and she nodded.

I pulled away and slipped the beautiful ring on her finger as a tear fell down her cheek.

"I hope this doesn't make me an adult now." She laughed and stared at it.

"You'll always be my babygirl. The same crazy girl I met on the street in London. That's never changing. We're never changing."

"I'm crazy?" She sort of laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, and, I like crazy. Haven't you heard?"

"God, shut up and kiss me."



I guess all fairytales don't all end well, and if you've read a John Green book you'll know this.

But I, Alice Warner, can say mine did. And even though it did, I'm just any normal girl. And if you know me as well as Shawn does, you know I still have my bumps in the road. I still have too many emotions. You'll know I'm a fuck up and I cry about it. You'll know that I sometimes break down when I can't handle something. But you'll also know that I fell in love with someone so fast and so crazily.

So after all these years of being stuck with this loser, I'm still confused and curious, wandering around this insane world, searching for a little bit of more sustainable happiness, if that's even possible.

So, yeah, I would say I have too many rendezvous, but Shawn doesn't like that word.


wow. the official ending of crazy. thank you guys for everything. for the support, the reads, the comments, the feedback, and for actually liking my book. i know it started out sucky, but im learning to live life without regrets (lol what has wattpad and books and fanfiction done to me).

make sure to check out my other shawn book internet friend since you've finished this one.

anyways, share this book with your friends and make it a legend ;)

love you,
emily x

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