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long chapter-get ready!!

*one week later*


"You got this." I mumbled and straightened my army (a/n mendes army AYYYY lmao) jacket. I then turned away before I second guessed myself and scrambled to look for my bag. "WHERE IS IT?" I screamed, frustrated. I was so nervous for today I could hardly think clearly. My dad walked in the doorway and looked concerned.

"What are you looking for?" He said, sipping his coffee mug as steam poured out the top.

"My brown bag. Have you seen it?" I said, putting my hand on my forehead, pushing my hair back and glancing at the alarm clock in my room. 7:40 am.

"Yeah, it's on the kitchen table." Oh thank god. I couldn't be late for my first day.

"Phew. Thanks dad." I said, taking my hand off my forehead and softly laughing at myself.

"No problem." He said, sipping more of his coffee and walking out. I grabbed my phone from my white, messy bed sheets and slipped it in my pocket as I headed out my bedroom door. I met my dad again in the kitchen. I went to the fridge to get a water bottle then to the cupboard to grab a granola bar. I didn't have time for cereal. Before I left, I gave my dad a hug and he wished me luck. I grabbed my big brown leather shoulder bag then rushed down down the large flight of wooden stairs. When I made it to my car I hurried in and pulled my keys out, shutting the door behind me. Before I put my foot on the pedal I grabbed my phone and texted Shawn.

'First day!! Wish me luck' I smiled.

Shawn and I have been texting ever since we left. We FaceTime almost all the time and it feels like we never left. I loved out close we've gotten. Like I can actually send him memes without him getting confused. That's friendship goals!!

'You'll do great babe. Have fun.' Even though he always calls me babe, it still gives me butterflies. It's gotten to just be a friendly thing, not anything more.

The more I thought about Shawn the more I wanted him to be mine. But I had found ways to get myself to stop thinking this way and it's kind of working. I don't love him as much as I did when we saw each other all the time. The feelings were kind of fading. I'm glad because I'd be falling in love, alone, then I'd be stuck, heartbroken, when I tell him how I really felt.

I ruffled my long wavy hair and starting backing out. First day at a new school, as a juinor (a/n ik shawn is a senior this year but keep in mind that it just turned 2015) goes nothing.


I clutch my new black notebook like it's the only thing I've got left. I keep my head down, staring at my schedule so hard I could burn holes through it. I was making my way to history when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, you're Alice, right?" Some tall girl with short dark red hair stopped me. She could only see me from behind, so it made sense why she had to check if it was me.

"That's me." I laughed, standing in the mob of people.

"C-can I get a picture?" She squealed a little. Oh my god..people know me?!

"Sur-wait. People know who I am?"

"Of course! You're Shawn's girlfriend." She said, looking at me like she didn't know what I was talking about. Wait-Shawn's girlfriend? Hold tf up. "Well, not technically girlfriend but everyone ships you and you're perfect together." She said, talking with her hands and rolling her eyes, still smiling. I just stood there, shocked. I quickly realized I was staring and laughed it off.

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