twenty one

210 10 1

eeeek double update!!

okay so I decided that Shawn and Alice have their own hotel room but its like one of those ones that connects to another room so their mom is in the other room. And they have two beds so thats how they were allowed to have their own ya feel?

enjoy this short (sorry) chapter! :)


Oh. My. God. I can't even believe I just got her to be mine. I could do all the cute things I've wanted to. I could hug her from behind and cuddle her at night. I could tell her I love her and give her cute chocolates on Valentine's Day. EEEEEK.

We pulled away from the hug and I pecked her on the lips. I'm so happy I could do that now.

"Want to go walk around now?" She asked.

"Sure." I replied and we stood up. I didn't even tell her to and she already hopped on my back. We left the towels at our chair, assuming the maids will pick them off. I felt her wrap her legs around me and rest her head in my neck. Awww.

We started walking towards the main lobby and I showed her where the restaurant was and where the outdoor pool was. She was amazed at how fancy everything was and wouldn't stop thanking me. We were stopped by people to take pictures but we continued on.

"OH MY GOSH THEY HAVE A VENDING MACHINE." She screamed, getting off my back.

"Chill fam. It's just a vending machine." I said, laughing.

"Do you have change?" She said, approaching it.

"Ummmm," I started, checking my pockets. "Here." I pulled out five quarters and she took four. She punched in the number for a bag of cookies and picked them up from the bottom.

"You better give me one." I said as she turned to me.

"Never." I frowned.

"Pleassseeeee?" I gave her my puppy dog eyes and she smiled. "I love youuu." too soon Shawn, too soon.

"Nope." She said, walking away. I stopped her and grabbed her by the wrist (a/n i dont fleek the eyebrow bc josh loves the flick of the wrist). I knew how to make her give me one.

"Alice." She turned to face me and I kissed her. "Now?" I looked at her and she smiled.


I fist pumped in the air and she handed me one. I munched on it as we walked away from the machine and I grabbed her hand.

"Where we going now?" I asked her.

"Hmmm, back to the room maybe?" I said, checking my phone time. It was only 3pm. "We could shower and stuff." I said. She nodded. We started walking towards the elevator and pressed the button. I heard footsteps from behind us but I just figured it was someone who needed the elevator too. We were still holding hands when the door opened and we walked in. Wait-that person....shit. I saw Alice tense up and I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Don't say anything." I whispered into Alice's hair.

"Oh, hey Alice.." Shit shit shit shit shit. Is she going to say something?

"Hey Harry." She replied. WTF ALICE?! I just stood there, silently.

"How've you been?" He asked as the doors started to open. We kept walking and he followed. Wait, this is his floor too? wtf....

"U-um.." She started and I squeezed her hand. "Good." We both stopped and Harry stood in front of us.

"Who's this?" NOSY MUCH?!

"Shawn." She said, looking at me. "M-my b-boyfriend." I heard her gulp.

"Oh." He said. Wow nice response.

"Why are you here?" She asked and I squeezed her hand again. I'm ready to leave this...

"Long story." He said, scratching the back of his neck. It was silent for a while then he started again. "Well, I'll let you go. Have fun?" She just nodded and we rushed to our room. When we got in and he couldn't hear us, I let go of Alice's hand.

"What was that all about?"

"I have no idea." She said.

"Well," I walked over to my bed. "You can go shower and I'll get in after you." She walked over to me and I sat down on the edge of the bed. She stood in between my legs and looked at me.

"I'm so happy you're mine." She whispered.

"Me too." I said back. She leaned in to kiss me and I kissed back passionately, deepening the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt her tug on my bottom lip and I smiled through the kiss. Alice what are you doing? She didn't pull away for another like two minutes. This is getting too heated...

"Alice." I said through her lips on mine. She didn't move. "Babe." I said again. Then, she pulled away.


"Not now, you needa get ready." I said, poking her stomach and earning a laugh from her.

"Okayyyyy." She said and let go of my neck.

She disappeared into the bathroom and I smiled. She's mine...mine.

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