thirty four

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SUPERRRRR SHORT CHAPTER IM SO SORRY!! But pls listen to Kid In Love during this chapter bc it works so good with it omg!!



"Which shirt? Maroon or white?" I asked holding up the two sweaters. The maroon one had lace on the bottom and the white was just a v-neck with big black stripes on the sleeves.

"Maroon." Of course.

"Only you would choose everything maroon." I rolled my eyes and went back to my closet and picked out some black skinny jeans then hid in the closet so he couldn't see me getting dressed.

Recently, Shawn has been coming over in the morning because he wants to walk me to school to make it less shitty. I really appreciate him for it. I've been pretty happy now that I have him again and I don't feel like I want to kill myself in every one of my classes. Anyway, he kinda sucks at picking out outfits so even if I try, I don't get any help from him.

I finished pulling my shirt over my head and slipped on my Uggs then stepped out of the closet.

"Cute?" I asked and he moved his eyes away from his phone.


I smiled and headed to my full length mirror. I had already done my hair and makeup so now all I needed was jewelry. I made sure my outfit was okay then headed towards my dresser where my jewelry hanger thingy was. I grabbed two rose gold rings and a black choker with a little moon charm on it.

"Done. Ready?" I asked as I headed over to Shawn and grabbed my black leather backpack, slinging it over my right shoulder. He nodded and sat up, putting his phone the pocket of his skinny jeans.

When we said goodbye to my mum, we were headed out in the freezing snow to walk to prison. I hated the snow so much now that I've been around it like everyday here in Canada. Now I see why every kid hates snow here.

I've been trying this new thing called being positive. Although it's obviously not working. I can't seem to smile and laugh as much. It's like things are still awkward between us. We're not cute fluff anymore.

"Shawn?" I decided to just ask him, breaking the silence and my thoughts. "Does it feel awkward between us or is it just me?" He blushed a little and I could tell he felt the same way.

"Yeah a little..."

"I know like I feel like we can't be ourselves anymore or something." I said and he looked down at is feet, keeping his hands in the pocket of his coat. It was quiet for a second until he spoke, looking up and stopping.

"Why are we stopping?" He just looked at me and smiled.

"Get on my back. I wanna make things less awkward." Cutie.

"K." I chuckled a little and he bent down, letting me hop on his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I then rested my head on his shoulder and giggled.

"Am I too heavy?"

"Of course not, dork."

"Hey! Dork is my thing. You're the dork."

"Shut up."


And there we were, back to normal. Our casual, comfortable selves.

"Do you like waffles or pancakes better?"

"What the f-"

"Just answer."

"Ummm pancakes..?"

"THANK YOU!! Why does everyone hate pancakes like?"

"Only you think people hate pancakes."

"Because I love them so much?"


We both laughed and kept walking on the icy sidewalks. When it was quiet for a while, he kinda shifted me around and started walking close to the empty field of white snow on the right of us. Um? What is he doing?


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I felt him start letting go of my legs and I wasn't prepared, squirming around and holding on for dear life.


Then he threw me down into the pile of snow, falling sorta on top of me but more to the side so only half of his body was touching me. We both started laughing like crazy even though I was mad he pushed me in the snow.

"I hate you." I said in between laughs as he rested his head in my neck. I moved a little and he changed the position of his head.

"I love you." He said and I felt his face get close to mine, his minty breath fanning my face.

"I love you too dork." I said and smiled as he made our lips touch.

No one could replace him. No one could treat me this good.

No one could give me these amazing moments like he does.

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