Jungkook: Lost Stars

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Jungkook's P.O.V
I'm so lost like a star, I wish that someone could save me from these dark times.... I need a savor, if only I could escape this shit forever, I would... There's nothing left here for me. They all say I'm fucking insane because of depression, but if they lived my life they would understand the shit I would go through every day. The names Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook a worldwide depression guy that finds everything depressing. To me, life has no meaning.. And it never fucking will.

Selena's P.O.V
"Come over here and party with us you depression whore!" My friend yelled at me, "I-I don't, *whispers* I can't" I said to myself as I got up from the couch I was just laying on, "I-I'm gonna go" I said to my friend but obviously she didn't hear because of the music, "your so not cool Kate, just because I have depression, doesn't mean that you can call me a depression whore" I said to myself as I opened my house door. This whole thing, everything in my depression, I see everything in another way, I don't get it... Why live? When you can die..... Nobody fucking cares about me anyway, so why would someone even care if I died, they'll just get on with their lives... And I'll be free... Forever. Now I've had depression for five years ever since my father killed my family right in front of me, then he abused me, I ran away, my best friend told me I could stay with her as long as it took, but that didn't last long, not at all, my father had tracked me down and he shot her too, I ran and ran all my life, I never looked back, because if I do I can see the evil smirk my dad would always give me after he finished killing people.

Jungkook's P.O.V
I've had depression for seven years.. Reason? There's no hope in life, no happiness, and no one to care. "How's life dude?" My brother asked me with sympathy, "life is..... Depressing" I sighed as I slouched on the couch while watching a movie, "you really need to go to therapy little bro", "I don't need any fucking help!" I yelled at my brother making him shocked since this was the first time I yelled at him, "I-I'm sorry" I apologized to my brother and he smiled a bit, "No, no I'm sorry I should have said that anyway, you'll know how to get rid of your depression yourself, but you do need a girlfriend..... And you can't say no because I kinda already set you up with one of my girlfriends friend, apparently she also has depression, and she wants to end her life in two days" My brother told me, "so let her end her life.... I know I sound messed up but I decided to end my life two days from now too" I explained, "but I can't since your around" I said as I rolled my eyes, "so you up to it?" He asked, "yeah whatever, I'll at least get to know her for the last two days of our life" I said as my brother grinned, "awesome!" Justin celebrated as he jumped up and down, I crossed my arms and smirked, "looks like you've been waiting for this moment for your whole life" I said and he stopped, ".......................... Pretty much" he said and left, "Justin your an idiot" I said to myself, "I heard that little bro!!!" My brother yelled across the hallway, "good, now you can hear this....... Fuck you!" I replied and nothing but silence filled the house, "J-Justin?" I yelled, "Justin!!!", "Run Jungkook!!!", "wait wh-, Oh Man Holy Shit!!!!!!!!" (XD see what I did there? *giggles*), *gun fires* No! No! No! You can be-, I look back behind me and sure enough my brother fell down to his knees with a bullet that sure enough went through his heart, "No.... No.... No fucking way!!!!!! Look at what you have done!!!! You fucking killed him!!!!" I yelled at the guy that killed my brother Justin. He looked at me with fear as I ran up to him, took his gun, and shot him. 'Oh shit!' I mentality yelled at myself, 'I fucking killed him!' I continued to yell at myself in my head. No....

Time skip~

Selena's P.O.V
"Why do I have to go?!?!!!?!?" I whined to my friend, "because today is the day and his brother died, please do this for us Selena, who knows maybe your depression will fade away" she explained while I stood there and sighed, "fine but I'm only doing this because your boyfriend died" I faked a smile and went to my room, "Thanks!" She yelled from the kitchen. I got dressed in a black shirt that said 'I don't give a fuck anymore' in white ,black leggings, black and white converse, and a black hoodie. "I'm done!" I yelled, "OK wait in the car!" My friend Jasmine said, "whatever!" I replied and walked out.

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