Just a bit of regular news... and Bad news

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Hey guys um yesterday I said my family was in Paris right? Yeah um well I got ahold of them at like 2:30a.m. So I had no sleep and I was constantly pacing around my room until they finally picked up. Luckily they were with my friends' family as well, and so well.... *takes a shaky deep breath* six of my family members died in the attack and my friend, she told me that three of her family died during this attack. Me and my friend cried our hearts out when we found out a-and its hard for me to get past this as well as my best friend. So I just wanted to say thank you for all your generous caring and prayers, as much as it pains me I know that one day I will get passed it. So that's the bad news. And now for just some regular news I reached 100 followers so thank you guys for this, I know now that 100 of you guys really appreciate my writing and 100 of you guys take your time reading my shitty updates XD :/ but thank you, for the first time ever I feel like I mean something to someone or some people XP but thank you so much I hope that I mean a lot to you guys (probably not) but anyway thank you for the supporting this book and me lol thank you for your prayers I bet my family would really appreciate it if they were here with me right now. Thank you once again for all the love and bye!!! =^ω^=

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