Challenge #2

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Hey guys Tiffiny here I would like to thank btsjiniscute for tagging me again in a challenge so, Thank you!!!! Hehe OK so let's start....

I liked K-Pop since 2015 sorry lol its just that I didn't know about it back then until I met a friend of mine and she told me about K-Pop and my life changed ever since that day :3 Thanks Best Friend!!!!!

My favorite boy group is BTS followed by many other groups XD um as for girl groups I don't really listen to any because I'm more into boy groups (am I the only one?) So um I would have to say..... Girls Day? Lol sorry!!!

Um don't have one I love any author so yeah XD

My ultimate bias?!?!?! *drinks holy water* one sec.... *reads bible* OK imma just.... My name says it all XD Jungkook kehehe!!! *prays to Jisoos* halp!!!!!!

The entertainment I want to be in? Big Hit!! Um I don't know I might audition for Big Hit... XD my friend got me an application so yeah.... Lol

The song I'm currently addicted to is BTS: Crow Tit, Silver Spoon, Try Hard
Um these are the names I saw people use on YouTube for this song lol so yeah.... THEY CALL ME.... BAEPSAE!!!!! sorry T.T

The country's I want to visit are:
South Korea
Hong Kong
Bangtan Heaven ( :D BTS heaven yay!)
And Narnia XD sorry!!!

My battery percentage is 40% lol

Where I'm from? Well I'm from the universe!!! I'm from V's planet!!!! Lol jk I'm from the U.S lol

The song I'm thinking of right now is Rush by Monsta X

A comeback that I'm excited about??!! Well let me just tell you... I'm excited about WINNER'S comeback EEEEEEE!!!!

My birthday?!?! Plz don't make fun of me T.T
April 22 on Earth day T.T gawd plz don't make fun of me lol

Would I dance, rap, or sing in a group um....... All of the above......... Yep

OK so that's all I hope you enjoyed it... Tanks once again btsjiniscute for tagging me for another challenge I really appreciate it lol um also!!! If you haven't yet... Plz check out BTS: House Of Cards Backwards by PopeOfJams she is amazing and I think you'll be amazed with what you hear in the backwards version, um also she made some BTS on crack on her first channel which is called GodOfJams so yeah feel free to check her channels out if you want XD so I hope everyone had a wonderful day and good night or morning wherever all of you guys are Kehehe sorry if I woke you guys up T.T ok Bye!!!!!

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