JiKook: I Kissed A Boy Part 1

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Jimin's P.O.V
I'm known for making mistakes..... fun mistakes that is. I make stupid ideas and suggestions. But I know that I entertain my people a lot. I'm not afraid of taking risks after all we have only one life to live so I gotta live it my way. I start shit and then I leave it, funny right? Well to me it is. *chuckles* my mother always told me she raised me better and she would love to see my wife and kids one day but no... In fact that's all the other way around I will have a wife that's a guy that I met at a club after getting drunk and doing something I've never done before and I will never ever fucking regret it.

One week before~

Jungkook's P.O.V
I'm not the kind of guy to go to the club at all. I'm the kind to stay at home and play games. But when it comes to my friends... They love to party and get drunk. Today they literally forced me to go to a club tonight or else they would cut off my dick..... :/ OK well I don't want that so what other choice do I have? I finally realized that I don't know what the fuck I am going to wear for this 'club'.
"Hey Jake, what can I were for the club?"
"Wear something that isn't formal, just wear something comfortable" *hangs up*
I still don't know.... Oh well, I go to my closet and pull out a orange beanie and an orange shirt with a cheetah design and some pants. 'Whatever this I comfortable enough' I thought to myself as I grab my keys and head out the door. "Shit... What the fuck have I gotten myself into" I asked myself out loud in the car as I drove off to the club. Loud music was booming inside the club that I could hear it on the outside. "Hey dude, glad you made it! I almost thought you would bail out.." My friend Jake said, "whatever, if this makes you happy then why the fuck not?" I faked a smile just to show him how 'happy' I was, "alright, you look great by the way" Jake said as he gestured me to follow him, "Shit! Wait up guys!" I heard someone yell but I knew too well that the voice belonged to my friend Yoongi, "hey man!" I yell running up to him and giving him a hug, "whoa whoa whoa, your gonna ruin my swag and my new three dolla gold chain" he said as he looked at me, "sorry god I'm sorry I didi- wait three dollar gold chain?" I ask about to laugh, "yeah *laughs* just kidding by the way kiddo" Yoongi said, "hey I'm not a kid!" I yelled as I stomp my foot on the ground, Yoongi looks up and down at me and says, "you sure? Cuz you just stomped your foot" he laughed once again as I blushed, "alright let's go party!!!" He yelled as he dragged me inside the club. Shit. Fuck. No. I wanna go home. Now!

Jimin's P.O.V
"Alright!!!!!!!" I yelled so that the whole club can hear me, "How many bottles of alcohol do you think I can drink until I get drunk?!?!?!?" I yelled as I held a bottle of alcohol getting different answers from many people, "30 bottles!!!!!" A guy yelled with a orange beanie, "holy shit! 30 bottles it is kiddo! What's your name?" I asked out loud as I grabbed a microphone from the DJ's stand, "m-my name i-is J-Jungkook" he stuttered a bit, "alright Jungkook nice meeting you I'm Jimin and this 30 bottles of alcohol I'm about to drink is all dedicated to you" I said through the microphone.

Time skip~

"T-Thats 30 b-b-bottles~" I slurred as I sat down smirking, "holy shit Jimin your a legend!!" Jungkook says, "nahhh~" I slurred again. I laugh, stand up, and leaned on Jungkook, "this h-here is f-fuck, e-excuse me... W-what I meant to s-say is this here little man is my b-boyfriend~" I slurred I knew I was drunk and the alcohol is taking over me, "w-what?" Jungkook stutters, "prove it!!!!" Everyone shouts, "holy shit!!" He yelled as I pinned him against the wall. "No regrets right?" I whispered in his ear and kissed him.

Jungkook's P.O.V
'No regrets right?" That sentence kept replaying in my mind, ah shit who the fuck am I kidding?! I will never regret this moment. I kissed him back and grinded on him. Jimin pinned my hands on the walls as he took off his pants, "who's r-ready for a f-fuck s-show~?!!?!!!?!!" Jimin slurred, what!!! He can't be serious not here right?! "Your alright with this right?~" he whispered in my ear again, soon enough everything went black for a second and went back to normal, "yeah I'm fine with this" I smirked.

Jungkook's Mind P.O.V
What the actual fuck just happened?!?!?! "I'm fine with this" I heard myself say, holy shit no not this again! "Welcome back, missed me?" He asked, "no in fact I never wanted to see you every again!!" I yelled, "ouch now that hurts~" , " I thought that you missed little JingKook" he says, "I never wanted you back JingKook, why are you back?" I asked, "because I want to be in control now, for many fucking years, 16 years to be fucking exact, I've been watching you do every single thing, while I... Sat there chained and pad locked to a fucking chair, until today, you finally drank a bit of alcohol, and you know your weak against it, I released myself from the chains and now I'm taking over, in fact may I ask you, did you drink a bit to bring me back?" JingKook explained, "I thought yo were gone for good but I was wrong, looks like you have been waiting for the perfect timing to take over" I answered, "now~ I have some unfinished business to attend, so just sit back and watch ME do all the work" he smirked as he lifted his hand and used his magic to trap me in the same position he was in for 16 years, "Fuck You JingKook!!!!!" I yelled, " I know, now shut the fuck up!".

JingKook's P.O.V
"Mmhh~" I moaned as he started to lick my dick, Jung fucking Kook, you took every single moment of pleasure from me and now I got it back *laughs evily*, "holy shit Jimin~" I moaned as I took some of his hair gently and pushed his head deeper making him deep throat me. "Mmmm~" Jimin moaned around my dick making me cum. "Whoooo hooooooo!!!!!!!" Everyone yelled as the saw me pin down Jimin and slam right into him, "FOR FUCK SAKE~!" He screamed and laughed lightly, he's a keeper. "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!" He yelled again as I slammed into him with force, "oh yeah~" I groaned as I felt him tighten around me, "jerk yourself off now!" I groaned and he did what he was supposed to, "ahhh~ Jungkookie~" he moaned even though that's not my name I let it pass, "ahh~ ngh~ ahh fuck~ Jimin~" I moaned loudly when I came inside him, "shit, shit, shit!~" Jimin moaned as he shot his cum on me and arched his back making him kiss me. "Holy shit!!! They just had sex!!!! In a club!!!! In front of everyone!!!!" Everyone screamed, "damn Jungkook I didn't know you had that much power in you to fuck somebody like that... I wish I was the one you were fucking...." Jungkook's friend Yoongi said, "I-I mean uhhhh good job" he stuttered making me smirk, I walked over to him and whispered, "maybe one day I'll fuck you even harder~" I said making him flinch and I kissed him and walked over to Jimin. I smiled and all of a sudden everything went black and everything was back to normal (again).

Jungkook's P.O.V
I looked around the club and realized that I was in full control over my body again. "I really loved your big dick daddy~" I heard Jimin whisper in my ear making me flinch, "a-am I really t-that b-big?" I asked in a whisper and all that he could do was nod. "So are you guys a thing now?!!" Someone shouted across the club, before I could answer I smiled and held Jimin's hand, "you fucking bet that we are a thing now!!" I yelled back and kissed Jimin taking him by surprise but he kissed back and moaned a little when I bit his bottom lip. "I can't believe I kisses a boy better yet I fucked one" I said out load, "but no regrets right?" Jimin asked me, "fuck no, I regret nothing, in fact I'm glad I fucked you, I'm glad I met you" I said picking him up with all of my strength while he wrapped his legs around my waist kissing me. I went outside the club and into the car. I turned on the ignition and looked at him, "ready for round 2 at my house?" I asked with a smirk, "you bet I am" he replied and kissed me before we left the parking lot.

'No regrets right?'
'Not even one'
'Good because you'll get visits from me during sex'
'That's alright with me'
'But remember one thing....'
'He can't know our secret or else....'
'I know... Or else that will be his last sex session.... ever'
*smirks* 'perfect, I'm glad you remember'
'How could I not, it happened way to man times'
*laughs evilly* 'don't you dare forget'
'I promise I won't'

Seven months later~
He knows.............

Alright so that's the end XD yes I made an evil sexual side of Jungkook named JingKook XD on purpose so yeah, don't think it was a mistake XD OK bye!!!!

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