Chapter 18- Lily Vs Stephanie and going to Kurama Mountain

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"L-Lily how are you?" Shinjirou asked shakily as he saw Lily and Silver glare at him.

"Is it true that you were kicked out of Kurama Mountain or did you run away?" Lily asked coldly causing him to gulp.

"W-Why are you bringing this up?" the red haired tengu asked weakly before Lily rolled her eyes and moved out the way so he could see Botanmaru, his eyes went wide from seeing the small kid.

"Where did that kid come from?" Shinjirou cried as he watched the boy bow in respect.

"Master Shinjirou I'm Botanmaru from the mountain, to be able to be here on this wonderful day. To meet you I'm so ha-happy, so very happy" Botanmaru said now happy to see Shinjirou.

"Hey kid, how old are you?" Shinjirou asked with a frown on his face, deep down he was worried about the boy knowing that he was a little too small to leave the mountain.

"Ah seven years old" Botanmaru replied as he stared at Shinjirou in awe.

"Look" Shinjirou turned is head, his face void of emotions "I don't know why you have come here to see me but you should return to the mountain immediately" he said in an emotionless voice that left Lily confused. Silver on the other hand blinked at the change of behaviour, not knowing what was going on and why the older tengu had a negative look on his face.

"I don't know why the adults didn't stop you, maybe you ran away I don't know but I don't have time to spare. I don't look after runaways" Shinjirou said bluntly as he folded his arms.

"NO! I-I came to meet you Master Shinjirou" This took the older tengu by surprise. "Right now the mountain is suffering from an illness ever since the Soujoubou fell ill, dark clouds have now covered the whole mountain and tainted everything" Botanmaru's words shocked Lily and Silver as they listened.

"The mountain's people are restless as they don't know what is going on, please Master Shinjirou. Please come back" Botanmaru pleaded as he bowed at Shinjirou who sighed as he looked at the young tengu.

"What can I do Botanmaru?" This left the young tengu looking up in shock. "I left the mountain seven years ago, I am a drop out to them and I don't even have what it takes nor would I be accepted back onto the mountain" Shinjirou asked with a bitter smirk. "Besides I like it here on the lower world-"

"No!" Botanmaru pushed Shinjirou slightly taking him by surprise. "Master Shinjirou is not a dropout! Master Shinjirou is my goal!" Botanmaru cried before he slumped onto a stunned Shinjirou who looked down at the weakened tengu.

"What happened?" Lily asked as she looked at Botanmaru.

"Tengu children live and are raised on the mountain, the mountain protects them from the poisonous air from the lower world. This one absorbed too much of the poison and it's making him ill" Shinjirou said softly as he looked at Lily before they looked at Botanmaru's arms. Silver's eyes went wide from the marks before hatred filled his mind, just seeing those marks reminded him of how his father would beat him. Sensing his anger Lily looked at Silver and rushed up to calm him down.

"He's been beaten" Silver said darkly as he looked at Shinjirou with angry eyes.

"Yeah..." Shinjirou said softly while Lily sighed knowing that Shinjirou had suffered a lot before leaving the mountain.

"Look we have to go now, I'll give Botanmaru a peach pill elixir but you will have to help him with this problem since this is a family issue" Lily said now trying to get Silver to look away from the marks after handing a pill to her brother like friend, Shinjirou however was in shock.

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