Chapter 28

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Aquarius POV: Suffering
I, being the first one up, watch the sun rise slowly. Each of the other signs wake up eventually and join me in my watch of the sun rise. Once everyone is up and running, I say," So when we get there, we will try to contact our parents and see what happens from there." The long walk begins as I start out with the other signs following me. We walk into the dense forest and standing in our path is Principal Zodiac. She says," Come with me now, if you don't we are going to have a big problem." We all with questionable looks on our faces, follow her, vainly.
Scorpio POV
This lady has really got a lot of nerve. She first demands that we come with her. Then she basically drags us into another part of the forest. And lastly, she traps us in another school. I always knew she had something up her sleeve. She laughs maliciously and says," So, now that I have killed your families, burned the old school to the ground, and by doing so, killed all the staff. Oops. It's your turn to suffer."
       I see tears fall from Pisces eyes. She really did love her family. I would wrap my arms around Pisces to protect her but, I sadly can't because Principal Zodiac moved each sign into a different glass room. This lady has gone insanely insane and is going to make me go there too. It appears that she has trapped us in Celestial High. Now where have I heard that name before. Oh my gosh, this school was mentioned in my track practice. Our old coach said our biggest competition was Celestial High. Yes, this must be the place, only the last time I was here, it was for friendly competition. Most of the Zodiacs' siblings go here, more like went here, if we could only escape.
I suddenly realized that there was something around my left wrist. It is a small gray band that appears to stop me from using my powers. Ugh, now how are going to escape? I hear a taping on the left side on my "cage". It's Cancer. He's trying to contact me but, why. He's pointing with destress to the right. I turn my head to see Pisces being dragged around her "cage" by a large figure. I look away, I can't watch this. She has to many wounds. She's bleeding to much. Then I hear a loud thud as my head shoots up and I look towards a fallen Pisces. The heavy glass door is closed shut and Pisces is lying in the middle of her "cage". Cancer and I move as close as we can to her, which isn't close at all. She's needs medical help. Then all of sudden, in the middle of her suffering body, a blue light shines. The light encases Pisces and heals her. I can see her weak body move slightly as she moves to her back. I can almost hear her heavy breathing. The air becomes tense as she tries to sit up and fails. She tries again but, gives way to gravity as pain pulls her to the ground. She's going to be okay. It's unbelievable that she still has a little bit of magic left. Hopefully I will too.
     Hi there. So so sorry for not posting on like forever. But, I have good news. This story got -6k- views. I want to especially thank eqc123, ScorpioMelon, Akashi0924,  -IssyFrizzy-, colorfire22,m208010b,
Teensuperxy014, xboxonegames, pinkcaramel_,lewy1050,bubblefox,
_Firefly15_, XShrivelxupx,iulisor, Queen_nuimnim, issy2723,m208010b, and
i_is_stoopid,isbellablack_01, kPrettyNerdyGirl01
Tuffy2345, lilyg44,B-Rizzo02, and seehumisasewsome. Also thanks to anyone who has read this story/ favorited/ added it to their reading list/ or has followed me. New chapter soon. I promise. Thanks, bye.

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