Chapter 8

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Peters pov

" felix" I said. How is he here i thought I killed him.

Felix smirked. " been a while pan. What happened last time we saw each other. Oh that's right you crushed my heart." He said

" felix I'm sorry but it was for a good cause" I said. He laughed and started to slowly walk over to me. " yeah killing your best friend is always worth a good cause " he said sarcastically.

" yeah but your not dead and technology it wasn't me who crushed your heart it was henry" I said. At the corner of my eye I could see Dylan slowly making her way over to Annie. "How bout we talk about this a different time felix" I said. He was just about to say something when I used my magic to knock him unconscious.

I then turn to Dylan who was looking back at me. Your all mine now. " why'd you knock him unconscious for?" She asked.

"Two against one isn't a fair fight." I said.

She raised her eyebrow " you wanna fight me?" She asked

" let's make it more of a bet to see who's more powerful me or you. If you win I'll give you answers to why I kidnapped your sister and leave you be until your dying for my company " I said. she scoffed.

" and if you win" she asked.

I smirked " you will stay on this island until I say you can go" her face dropped but she quickly put on a normal expression.

" then so be it " she said and next thing I knew I went flying and smashed into a tree.

Dylan's pov

" then so be it " I said and used my magic to send him flying into a tree. He quickly got up and started to laugh

" you are more powerful than i thought. But are you you more powerful than me" he said and threw a fireball at me but I quickly moved out of the way.

" why'd don't I just get my answers now and leave " i said and threw a fireball back at him. he quickly dodged it and put on the most smug look I've ever seen.

" I'll give you answers but you will not leave the island. I need you. But for now have a nice sleep " he said. something hard hit me on the back of the head and the last thing I seen before darkness was pan slowly making his way over to me.

Peters pov

" why'd don't i just get my answers now and leave " she said and threw a fireball at me. I quickly dodged it. I could see Carlos slowly stand up behind Dylan and get his club ready to hit her on the head.

" I'll give you answers but you will not leave the island . I need you. But for now have a nice sleep" I said and then Carlos hit her on the head knocking her unconscious.

I walked over to them and put a power cuff on her wrist to stop her from using her magic and then picked her up bridal style. I looked down at her and smirked.

"Your mine now " I said

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