chapter 38

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dylans pov

groaning I moved away from the light that was glaring in my face, a groan was heard besides me that's when I shot up in alarm.

"you sleep like your a tornado" felix mumbled whilst sitting up, I slapped him in the chest "ow! what was that for"

"you were supposed to be watching as I slept then wake me up so I could take my turn watching" I snapped

he rubbed his eyes with his fists "relax nothing happened"

"so that weird looking girl sitting opposite us is nothing?" I questioned whilst looking at the strange girl. she just stared right back at me. her muddy brown hair was short and choppy like she cut it with a knife, her face was covered in grime and dirt which made her blue eyes pop out. what got my attention the most was the vertical scar on her neck. this was Jane darling.

"I told you not to follow me" felix groaned then fell back down.

she totally ignored him her eyes never leaving mine. that when I saw something shiny in her hand. a knife to be exact, I could tell she was angry by the way she was clenching it.

I rolled my eyes "put the knife down" I said in a monotone voice looking at her with boredom. she scowled at me and charged at me, before she could however a ball of black fur pounced out of a nearby bush and bit down on her knife wielding arm.

"jesus! where did she come from" felix exclaimed, sitting up again. I clenched my jaw and stood up. as soon as I was on my feet umbra made a whimpering noise as she limped over to me. jane then stood up straight again. which wasn't really intimidating as she barely made it over 5 foot compared to my 5'8 height.

"okay I've tried being nice but now you've hurt my wolf and I wont stand for that!" I gritted through clenched teeth. with that I raised my hand and she went flying into the tree. she quickly jumped up. I glanced at felix "seriously this is jane darling?"

before he could answer I went flying to one side, my cheek stinging. this bitch just punched me!

turning back to her with a glare I full on roundhouse kicked her in the face. she fell to the floor again. "you want to play well then lets play"

"well this is an interesting way to wakeup in the morning" felix said with a smirk plastered on his face.

both jane and I turned to felix with a glare, "shut the fuck up felix!" I snapped at him, jane nodded in agreement, then she got up again.

we both got into fighting stance, circling each other waiting for the other person to strike first. after a while I got bored and charged at her, raising my fist hitting her in the face, she then tried to hit me back. but I grabbed her wrist and restrained it behind her back, her response was head-butting my jaw making me release her.

this fighting went on for a while, I'm defiantly going to have scars after this just when she got the upper hand is when umbra came charging back for a rematch. She pounced at her back, claws at the ready and slashed.

Jane jerked back in pain so I took the chance to grab the knife that Jane dropped onto the floor earlier and stabbed her in the side of the neck.

Her eyes widened as she fell to her knees, blood started to bubble out of her mouth as she tried to say something. What she said shocked me but then her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell to the floor dead.

"Well that was entertaining" Felix said whilst standing up.

I turned to him with a glare "shut up!" I snapped. Then I walked over to Janes dead body and dislodged the knife from her neck. Sighing I wiped it off.

"Good bye Felix" I said with a blank voice.

"Wait what?" Felix exclaimed his face turned to one of shock.

"I said good bye Felix" after I repeated that I turned And waltzed off into the forest Ignoring Felix yelling at me to come back.

This brought back the memory that I don't want to return to

"Do you really have to go?" Annie asked whilst tightening her blanket around herself

Sighing I looked up at her from where I was packing my clothes "for the last time yes, I won't be gone for long only for a month or two just until I find a good paying job"

"Will you at least write to me?" She gave me her sad eyes knowing I couldn't say no.

Groaning I answered "fine but don't worry I'll come back to you soon" I picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulders "good bye Annie"

"Wait what?" She asked in a startled tone.

I walked over to the door knob then turned my head back to her "I said goodbye Annie"

Then I walked out Ignoring her calls to come back.

Shaking my head of the memory. I never wrote or came back to her. Sighing, I wrote a mental list of things I need to remember.

* pans psycho ex  Girlfriend is dead

*lost boys will probably drag me back to camp

*pan is most probably going on a manhunt to find both me and Felix

* and there will most likely be a couple pirates wondering around

If I can avoid all them then I can survive until night time

"What about me?" Mortem asked whilst walking next to me

I rolled my eyes "I forgot about you" I muttered

"That's weird. How can anyone forget about death" he exclaimed then he became quiet for a moment "I thank you for that soul you just killed, she was a fiery one, that intrigued me"

"Whatever" i muttered walking faster.

"I knew you were going to win, wanna know why?" I scoffed but he continued "I knew you were going to win because I could sense that her death was near"

"Is that why you're here right now? Because you can sense my death?" I asked him

"I can and I can't sense it that's why I'm here. It's confusing me" he confessed

"What does that mean?" I asked also confused

Mortem gave me a smirk "we shall find out tonight"

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