Chapter 20

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Dylan's PoV

"This is an outrage!" Leia shouted standing up. "Why don't we go and burn their camp to the ground and take over the place!"

"Pan had the place fireproofed" Carlos replied while sharpening his dagger.

"I hate this place!" Leia screamed and sat down folding her arms. A pout on her face.

"Okay enough stupid ideas!" Annie shouted making everyone quiet down.

"Says miss dawdler over here. If you didn't follow Pan we wouldn't be here in the first place!" Danielle snapped.

"Oi!" I shouted getting everyone's attention. " do not blame her. You could still be on our island if you came when I told you and not earlier" umbra started to growl in my arms.

"But if we didn't come sooner you would of been married to that demon!" Sophie interjected

"But she also wouldn't be cursed!" Felix shouted. Everyone silenced again. Felix turned to me " Dylan your the leader at the end of the day so you tell us what to do"

My eyes widened. I hadn't planned anything to say. " I-i umm" with that everyone groaned.

Carlos suddenly stood up " I got a plan but I don't think you're going to like it Dylan"

"What is it Carlos?"

" you're going to have to leave the Indian camp-" every started shouting

"Shut it!" Chloe screamed. Causes the noise to silence.

"Continue Carlos" I said scratching the top of umbras head.

"As I was saying you are going to have to leave the Indian camp. Your also gonna have to take off whatever's restricting pan from sensing you on the islands. Pan will then find you and take you to camp. It'll distract him long enough so that we can find a way to get the barrier down And escape."

"It won't distract him forever and it's going to take more than a day of research to take the barrier down" Chloe snapped.

"Pan Will be more concerned about Dylan's curse more than anything. He won't leave her side and if he does, he'll be weak from guilt and grief"

"What if he try's to make her marry him again?" Little Amy asked. She wasn't really that little. Just the youngest lost girl.

"He won't. He has worse things to deal with right now" Felix butted in.

"Okay" I said, catching everyone's attention. "I'll do it"

"Are you sure about this?" Chloe asked.

Me, Chloe, Annie, Carlos and Felix were standing at the Indian boarder line. One step over and pan would sense where you are.

I nodded my head. " now remember take the necklace off when your a safe distance from the indian camp. They don't want him to know where it is"

I took a shaky breath. Umbra started whimpering in my arms. Feeling my uneasiness. I looked back at everyone and nodded then stepped out of the Indian camp. I started to walk towards the trees.

Ive been walking for an hour now. My feet are aching and my mouth is dry. Remind me to slap pan for taking my magic.

I stop in a small clearing and placed umbra on the floor. She starts barking and running round my feet. I smile at her. Suddenly a branch snaps at the left of me. I turn that direction and face the intruder while umbra hides behind my legs.

There in front of us stood a massive brown bear. It was so big it looked like it could swallow felix whole. Now that's saying something as felix is the tallest person I know. I slowly bent down to umbra and picked her up. The bear stared me down as I did so.

Usually when I see a bear on my island, I would kill it but considering i have no magic, no weapon and a shaking wolf pup in my arms. My best option is to run. And that's what i do.

I turned round and started to sprint away. I heard a roar and footsteps behind me so i know that the bear is chasing me.

I started to zigzag round the trees hoping to lose the bear. But with the growling and loud footsteps behind me. I know he's still there. Suddenly something around my neck gets caught in a branch and i end up falling on the floor. Umbra yips and started to whimper.

I quickly get up and carry on running. Because of the fall the bear is much closer than it was. I quickly turn round to look at the bear. The giant beast was about ten feet away from me. I turned round to carry on running when I saw grey. I was at the bottom of a cliff.

I turned back around to face the bear. The bear had stopped and started growling at me. I looked round to find an escape but found no avail.

The bear stood on its hind legs and brought one of his front paws up. I put umbra on the floor gently and closed my eyes waiting for the impact while umbra cowered behind my feet.Then all of a sudden a strong force knocked me to the ground On my left side. I felt a wetness on my stomach. I brought my hand to it as a sudden sting started. The bear had clawed my stomach.

I felt the air rush past my face. Telling me that the bear was preparing to hit me again. I screwed my eyes shut harder And waited for the next blow.


I opened one of my eyes to see the back of Peter Pan and a dead bear on the floor. Pan was heaving.he looked livid and I haven't even seen his face yet. Umbra barked causing pan to snap his head my way. His face softened when he saw me.

"Boys!" He shouted. Suddenly a bunch of ropes fell down near me and lost boys started to climb down.

"I got tonight's dinner" peter said and gestured to the dead bear. They all cheered and went over to collect the bear. While peter ran over to me. When he got in front of me he bent down onto his knees. Umbra started to growl at him. Pan looked over at her and smirked. "Looks like you got yourself a dire wolf" he said.

I weakly nodded and tried to sit up only to feel intense pain from the claw marks. I groaned and went to continue when a hand pushed me down. "Stop. Your making it worse" pan said."sorry about this Dylan"

I looked up to see what he was talking about when some powder hit my face "you .... Jerk" I muttered before darkness took over.

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