Chapter 34

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Dylan's pov

I sighed as I watched the fire crackle in peters treehouse. To be honest that's all I've done since I got here. That and listen to the clanging in the kitchen.

That was until peter emerged from the door holding two mugs. Giving me a gentle smile he sat down placing the mugs on the table.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked while gently placing his hand on my shoulder.

I sighed again "I just don't know what would of happened if you weren't there to stop me. I mean would I have saved Annie and killed blackbeard , just saved Annie, just killed blackbeard or would I been killed myself"

This time he sighed "its kinda impossible to see a future in a place that time stands still isn't it?"

"Definitely" I said then picked up my mug of hot chocolate. As soon as I took a sip an explosion of taste invaded my mouth. Moaning I turned to him "this is amazing!"

He gave me a cheeky grin "well I have spent years trying to perfect it"

"You've done it" I said with a small smile on my face

He blushed a bit " you think?"

I nodded "I know" I said before taking another giant swig.

" I remember trying to make it perfect for my son,rumple. I was trying to get a job at a small kind of restaurant like place. He was pretty hard on me back then" he said chuckling slightly when he remembered his past life.

"What about your daughter?" I asked

"Leyna was too young to eat most things at that point. It just makes you think doesn't it. I mean before we were powerful and feared villains we were normal people"

"Yeah I know what you mean one minute your running freely through the forest with your friends and the next your a leader of a power group of misfits" I said whilst warming my hands up on the mug.

"Or a father" he pointed out

"Yeah or that. You know what I say we do a cheers for two dysfunctional leaders!" I said whilst holding out my mug

He chuckled "two dysfunctional leaders!" He said clinking our mugs together. With that I downed the rest of my hot chocolate "do you want a refill?"

I shook my head "got anything stronger?"

"People do stupid and unrational things under the influence of alcohol Dylan" he sternly told me. "Believe me I know first hand i was a village drunk"

"Okay then no alcohol just distract me from my dark thoughts" I said

"How?" He asked his forest green eyes piercing through my soul. I cocked my head to the side to think. My eyes looked from his eyes to his lips. And then this started to repeat itself.

I think peter seen this as he started to do the same then I started to lean in, him doing the same. Just before our lips met I realized what was happening and leaned back. Clearing my throat.

He also leaned back. Clearing his throat and fixing his hair but i could see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Tell me about them" i said

"What?" He asked turning his head to me

"Your children what are they like?" I asked

"Its kinda ironic actually. Rumple is the dark one whilst Leyna is the light one"

"No way! The light one is who reunited me with my sister!" I said excitingly then my thoughts went back to the predicament my sister was in at the moment " which might not have been the best idea in the world"

"Well what do you think would happen if you didn't reunite?" Peter said with a pointed look.

"She would of still had two hands" I countered

"She would of died from old age and you would never see her again" that made me think I mean if she never met peters daughter she wouldn't have been reunited with me and calm half of that darkness in my heart.

"But she still could of had a good life, had a family" I muttered. That made peter close his mouth. I sighed and stood up "thanks for trying to cheer me up peter but I think I need to be on my own"

Peter stood and embraced me in a hug. I hugged back "thanks for not letting me do something stupid" I mumbled

He gave a small chuckle "no problem" then I pulled away and gave him a small nod before walking out of the room.

Walking into the bedroom I've been staying in i pressed my back against the door, sliding down to the floor. What is happening to me?

"Your turning weak"

I groaned and turned to Mortem " perhaps"

"Its not perhaps its certainty" he told me in a stoic tone of voice.

"Its also certainty that your a jackass" I muttered

All I got in return is a dark laugh " it was quite intense in there for a moment. Looks like pans charms are finally working on you"

I scoffed "yeah and the sky rains cats and dogs " I said rolling my eyes at him.

"You never know maybe in some realm that happens" he said before vanishing away.

I groaned. Why won't he just leave me alone?!  With a sigh I got up and started to look in the cupboard for something warm and comfortable to wear for bed.

That's when I caught sight of a familiar wooden box. Bending down I opened it. Surprisingly Peter hadn't moved the stuff inside it. Grabbing the book i couldn't get before I flipped open to a random page.

Dear diary

Today peter taught me how to use a crossbow. I just love how his green eyes sparkle with mischief when he found living targets for me to shoot at. After that we had a campfire on the cliff and looked at the stars. It was a dream come true! I'll write in you tomorrow

Jane darling

Oh my! Looks like I hit the motherload

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