Chapter 30

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Dylan's pov

This was very awkward! Me and peter just staring at each other quietly whilst munching on bacon. Behind peter Olivia and Carlos were giggling at silly little jokes that they told each other. Then behind me chloe and Felix sat having an intense talk, chloe blushing now and then. To be honest a lot of pans lost boys have been quite smitten with my lost girls. I don't know whether I should stop it or not.

"Oh thank god!" Someone exclaimed sitting at an empty log next to both me and pan. "Finally I don't see a lovey Dovey couple" tiger lily sighed whilst rolling her eyes. Then she looked at the bacon "and some decent food"

Yeah the Indians have also become quite smitten. Well except tiger lily of course. I'm guessing tiger lily is more of a food lover then a human lover. You can tell as she literally put half the damn pig on her plate!

"So what have you two been talking about?" She asked with a mouthful of pig. Both me and peter glanced up at her before looking back down at our plates "what nothing? Come on pan you have plenty of story's of your Past you could tell Dylan. And I'm sure it's the same ways round for you Nap"

"Most of the story's of my past involve violence" peter mumbled ripping up a piece of bacon with his hands.

"Most yes. But there are some that don't. Ohh! Tell her about Jane!" Tiger lily exclaimed before turning to me "you'll want to hear this"

I looked over to peter "who's Jane?" I asked

"A girl who once lived on the island. Her mum was here before her. I while after I was resurrected I went back to the land without magic to bring her back. Thinking she was the key to immortality. My shadow hadn't given me a scroll with your face yet. But when I got to Wendy's house I found out that she had grown up and had kids. One was Jane" he explained

I nodded my head "so did you think that Jane was your key to immortality?"

He gave me a curt nod "yeah. So that night I took her to neverland and made her fall in love with me. But for some reason I couldn't feel the same. I tried so hard to and was clouded with the thought that she was the one that I wasn't being a good leader to my lost boys. But that changed the night Jane told me she loved me"

For some reason I felt a small pang in my heart of the idea of pan being with someone else but quickly shook it away "how did you find out that she wasn't the one?"

"The same night I said the same thing to her and she kissed me. But it didn't feel special or anything it just felt like a kiss you'd get from a grandparent. Unwanted and gross" he scrunched his face up at the end.

"What did you do after that?" I asked.

Peter just hung his head down. Whilst tiger lily turned her head to me "he had a massive tantrum. Started a massive storm in the sea dragging a bunch of mermaids onto the beach to dry up and die in agony then slit janes throat" she simply shrugged before seeing my raised eyebrow "what? It's old gossip the longer ago it was the less I start to care"

"So you realised that this innocent girl wasn't the one and killed her?" I asked raising my voice a bit.

"Oh he didn't kill her" tiger said before going for another strip of bacon "and she wasn't innocent. She didn't like the fact that Pan rejected her so she went on a killing spree. Killed thirteen lost boys in one night. Then peter vertically slit her throat. Destroying her voice box and turning her mute. He didn't want to kill her but she had to be punished for killing Peters boys"

"Where is she now then?" I asked looking eye to eye with tiger lily. She just shrugged.

"She's in a cage above mermaids lagoon" peter finally spoke up. I turned to look him in the eyes "I might have given her mercy of killing her from killing some of my boys and castrating another two but that doesn't mean she won't suffer. She's in a dark horribly place, trapped in a cage with no way to call for help. The only sound that comes from mermaid lagoon these days are the hisses of the mermaids and the sniffles of the murderer"

I gave a small smile "I would have done the same if someone did that to my girls. And someone has. His name is Blackbeard and once I get my hands on him I'm going gut his crew, burn his ship and slowly and painfully murder him. And when I mean slowly I mean so slow that he'll be begging for death"

Peter gave a small smirk "I really love that fire inside of you. Each day it gets brighter and brighter until it can blind a person. Maybe that's why I'm so so addicted to it. I know I must look away but I just can't" I held my breath as I stared into Peters bright green eyes that held a little sparkle in them.

"Oh god!" Tiger groaned before standing up and walking away.

I shook my head " your a pyromaniac if your addicted to fire peter. But this fire is burning out day by day thanks to you" I replied before standing up and walking away. Not before seeing peter roll his eyes

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