Chapter 1: the first meeting

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[ 2013- during WIN era ]

The car came to a stop after parking outside the YG building. Bobby and I were going to attend a songwriting course where young songwriters got to experience different music styles and improve themselves.

"Wow look at that girl sitting alone over there!" Bobby exclaimed while pointing a finger at the pretty long-haired girl typing away on her phone.

She was wearing an oversized white cardigan with denim skinny jeans. She wore a pair of red converse sneakers. Ahhh, my type...

"Yah yah where you going? Kimbab!!" Without hearing my shouts, Bobby made his way to the girl who was sitting alone while others were in their groups happily chit chatting.

"Hey there! Can we sit with you?" Bobby flashed his killer charming grin at the girl. She looked up at us, nodded her head and returned her attention to her phone. Bobby looks over to me with a disappointed expression. Well, you couldn't blame Bobby since the girl didn't swoon over him like all other girls he had tried to flirt with.

"Erm, hello why aren't you sitting with everyone else?" I asked, trying to break the awkward atmosphere between us after taking a seat at the table with her.

"I'm new here so I don't have any friends..." She answered shyly and put her phone away. HA! She likes me more than Bobby.

"We're new here too, so let's be friends!! What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Chohee. What about you two?"

"I'm Bobby and he's Hanbin but you can call him BI for short!" Bobby excitedly answered Chohee. This guy must be lovestruck already. But how can it be, he didn't even know anything about her yet. Is this what people call love at first sight? Nahhh, I don't believe in that shit.

The lecturer started the lesson by teaching us how to use technology to help us edit our written works and how different elements can be added to enhance our songs.

I would catch Bobby stealing glances at Chohee but she never noticed. She diligently copied down notes from the course and listen attentively to the sharing by the lecturer. She's really pretty and she seems like a nice person too. I never noticed that I was staring at her, lost in my thoughts until she turned to face me. Uh oh, caught red handed... She shot me a confused gaze but I just shrugged my shoulders and continued paying attention to the lesson.

The course included group discussions where we exchanged opinions about song writing with each other. My group consisted of Bobby, Chohee and me.

"Big Bang have a diverse styles of music! Lies, Blue, Fantastic Baby..." Bobby chimed.

"The best part is they can pull off almost everything! They look really cool regardless of the performance!" Chohee remarked excitedly which made Bobby turn slightly green with envy.

"Hey I can be really cool too when I rap!!" Bobby whined childishly.

"You're a rapper?" Chohee asked, interested in this topic.

"Yeah, we are both rappers!" Bobby replied.

"Can you guys teach me, I have never tried rapping before!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Rapping is easy, you just need some talent. It's simply about finding the rhythm and singing quickly to the beat." I explained.

"You sure make it sound easy. How sincere you are in helping me understand....." Chohee muttered but it was still loud enough for me to hear. Did I get on her nerves, what did I do to annoy her? I got confused at her sudden anger. Was she a bratty person?

With the completion of the course, we left the YG entertainment building, back to our dorm. Before we left, Bobby exchanged phone numbers with Chohee, leaving him as happy as lark. I can't wait to let the members know about today and tease love struck Bobby together!

"Bobby hyung, do you really like her so much?" I asked in doubt.

"Yeah, she's so pretty and she seems like a nice girl too."

"Nice? Why does she give me a bratty vibe?" I scoffed. That girl sure had a rude side of her, maybe Bobby was too lovestruck to realise.

"Speak about yourself BI, you always give off a bratty vibe!" Bobby laughed as he slapped my shoulders.

"Was I rude to her just now?" I rubbed my sore shoulders and thought to myself.

"I don't know, but she seemed to be annoyed with you when she turned her body and only talked to me."

"Oh girls will be girls... It's fine with me. You're the one who's interested in her anyway. You should have seen your face previously!" I teased.

"Hey Hanbin, since she's from YG, it should be easy to meet her again right?" Bobby asked worriedly.

"Hyung, wake up! This is just a one day infatuation, you will forget about her soon enough. You don't even know her well."

"I have a feeling we will meet again. At that time when we get closer, you will regret all the negative things you have said about her. That's my gut feeling." Bobby patted my shoulder before walking away towards the dorm where the six of the Team B members lived together.

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