Chapter 12: you can't stop me

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As Chohee tried to chase me along the beach, we kept running until we finally reached the boys. They were setting up the fire so that we could have our BBQ dinner.

Chohee was so tired from all the running that slumped onto the chair.

"Kim Hanbin I'm not letting this slide, one day I'll get my revenge!" She said, panting heavily.

"What's up with you guys? Had a fight?" Jinhwan asked.

"Nah, we were just joking around" I replied. The 7 of us played scissors paper stone to decide who would be the chefs for today. The two losers will be in charge of cooking all the meat, while everyone else can sit around and talk.

"Kamsahamnida Kimbab and leadernim" everyone cheered. Yes, the chefs of the day is Bobby and I. The boys ate like dinosaurs it was simply crazy to keep cooking for them. The moment we dish out a plate of meat, they start complaining that it was already half empty.

We didn't get to eat much, except for the few pieces of meat that we stole while cooking to check if the meat is ready.

"Bobby oppa, say 'ah'!" Chohee came around with a plate of meat. She fed Bobby and then smiled sweetly at him. My heart, uh oh.

"Yah Park Chohee, what about me?" I whined. She gave a devilish smile and lifted her chopsticks. I opened my mouth, desperately wanting to savor the delicious meat. In one quick motion, she turned around and fed Bobby the meat instead.

"Sucks to be you BI!" She laughed.

My heart sank. It's not about the meat, was she choosing Bobby over me? Oh god, what am I even thinking of? Bobby openly likes her, I don't even dare to admit the feelings I had for her myself. It must be the despondent look I had on my face when I was thinking about it that Chohee came over and feed me some meat.

"Yah, I'm sorry I didn't know you would be this upset!" She apologized sincerely.

"That was just my acting! In your face Park Chohee!!" I laughed back at her.

Her rage could be seen from her red face. "You idiot!!" She screamed before hitting my arm again. Bobby came forward to pull her away. Just then, Chohee let out a loud and piercing scream.

Everyone was shocked and the boys stepped forward to her. Bobby had accidentally pressed her wound that was hidden in her long sleeved shirt and it started bleeding profusely again. The boys started asking questions about her injury after she had folded her sleeves up. Everyone was panic-stricken.

"Oh gosh, I'm alright guys. I think I need to get the nurse to change bandages though." She said calmly. It was surprising how much pain she felt when she let out that scream and the next moment she acted as if nothing was hurting her.

This girl, she just doesn't want anybody to worry for her. And this trait was somehow similar to me.

"I'll go with you, anyway remember I said I wanted to talk to you? Let's take a walk together." Bobby said.

"Sure thanks, let me go to the washroom first before going to the clinic," she answered.

Talk? Was Bobby going to confess? The boys pulled Bobby aside.

"Kim Jiwon, are you going to confess to Chohee??" Jinhwan asked.

"Mmhm, I guess it's time to tell her how I feel."

"What if she rejects you, maybe the person she likes is me?" Junhoe did a mini hair flip as he said that.

"Stop dreaming urgh," I hit his head at the nonsense he's saying.

"If she rejects me, then I guess I'll try again, I won't stop just because of failing once." Bobby answered, determined.

"Hey Bobby oppa, can we go now?" Chohee called out from a distance.

"Good luck Bobby!" Everyone cheered except me.

"I cannot imagine if they return as a couple? How are we going to stand all the cheesiness around us in the future??" Yunheong said as he cringed at the thought.

"Everything will be so different," I mumbled. Everything felt surreal, what if they really returned as a lovey dovey couple? Am I going to bury my feelings for her? Am I going to continue this one sided affection?

Chohee POV
After a visit to the clinic and getting my bandage changed. Bobby and I took a walk along the beach, we sat down on a fine sand and watch the waves as they rise and fall.

"Chohee, I've been waiting to tell you this since a long time ago," Bobby started.

"Please just let me finish what I intent to say before you answer me. Is that alright?" He asked genuinely. I simply nodded my head, waiting for his to continue his speech.

"I like you, Chohee ah, since the day we met at the songwriting course 3 months ago. You can ask Hanbin, how nervous I was when I saw you, how badly I wanted your number and to talk to you."

"Thankfully, your songwriting project brought us closer, and after spending more time with you I realised that it wasn't merely infatuation or admiration."

"You're beautiful, inside and out, you're in fact too perfect for me. My love at first sight for you is not a joke, as days pass, I fall even harder for you."

"Chohee, will you be my girlfriend?"

He paused, trying to gauge my response. But the truth was, I'm shocked beyond words. Memories kept flashing in my mind, how Taehyung said similar things to me, and whatever that happened to us afterwards.

"It's okay if you need time to consider, I'm not rushing you. I will always wait for you Chohee," he said gently.

"I... I am sorry Bobby oppa..." I sobbed as I tried to answer him.

"I've only seen you boys as friends, best buddies. I'm sorry, I really am." I cried out.

Bobby was left dummbfounded at that rejection.

"I experienced this before, my best friend confessed his feelings for me and after we got together, bad things happened repeatedly and we didn't last."


"No, please just let me continue. After that incident, I've never seen boys that way again. The six of you are my closest friends, I love all of you very much. But not the romantic love kind of way."

"I'm really sorry Bobby," I ended.

"Don't apologize, it's okay, I'm not giving up anyway."

"Please Bobby, for my sake, just give up your feelings for me. Let's continue to be best of friends. Only friendship is strong enough to withstand all changes there might be in the future." I stared into his eyes firmly, hoping he would understand me.

"Alright, I'll try to Chohee, I won't get you to be my girlfriend again, but you can't stop me from loving you."

"You will find someone who's perfect for you. Your miss right, she will come to you one day." I smiled at him as I squeezed him for a hug.

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