Chapter 24: iKON???

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Chohee POV
A week later, I visited the boys in their practice rooms as per normal but was faced with two unfamiliar faces. The 8 boys were seated in a circle, nobody said a word and the atmosphere was highly tensed.

There were also many cameras around the practice room. Why does this scene look eerily familiar to the set in WIN?

The boys seemed to be in a conversation and it was obvious that the Team B boys were not in a good mood. I knew them well enough to look behind their smiles.

After observing them for awhile, the filming crew finally called it a day and left the boys to break the ice between themselves. I entered the room once the filming crew had cleared. I needed to know what was happening to my friends.

I nodded politely at the two new boys and they did the same.

"Oh Chohee, you're here! Let us do some introductions." Jinhwan said.

"This is Chohee, she's our good friend and don't try to flirt with her just because she's pretty." Jinhwan ended his joke awkwardly because nobody laughed.

"And this is Chanwoo and Jinhyeong, they are... potential new members of iKON."

This was not making sense at all. New members? iKON?

"Hello, I'm a YG songwriter, nice to meet you." I greeted before turning around to ask the boys. "Anyway guys, can anybody enlighten me about what's going on?"

After understanding the situation from the remaining members who were still capable of talking, I was able to think from the boys' point of view.

The newcomers had just trained for a few months and if they got into iKON, they were just like freeloaders. Getting into a group, which has been training hard for years and already had their fair share of fans.

But I also understood that this was none of the newcomers' fault. This was a good opportunity for them so it was right for them to accept the offer.

"Yah guys, don't be so moody! Since the situation is already like this, let's just embrace it!" I cheered but the mood was too tensed to be salvaged.

Just then, 2 staff came to bring the newcomers out as they needed to complete some paperwork. That left the Team B boys and myself in the room.

"I don't like the idea of this at all!" Junhoe exclaimed.

"Neither do I, but do we have a choice?" Jinhwan replied.

"Let's just make the best out of it, accept them, practice hard, that's our only hope of debuting!" Yunhyeong said.

"Yunhyeong hyung is right, it's something that we have to follow." Donghyuk continued.

"Are we seriously just going to accept this?" Junhoe asked annoyed.

"Yah, it's something we can't control alright? We lost WIN and Mr Yang said before that there will be group reforms for the losing team." Bobby answered.

BI let out a loud sigh of frustration and he lay down on his back. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking hard about the situation. He must have many considerations in his head.

There was a moment of silence as everyone was stressed out.

"Guys, get home and prepare for filming. The staff said that they were coming over to film the welcome party." BI instructed.

"Yep guys, just do the filming like how we did for WIN. We can discuss this issue again at night." Bobby stood up and led the members out.

The members left one by one but Hanbin remained on the floor. I didn't know where to go. I couldn't follow the boys as they were filming and I didn't want to interrupt BI as well.

"I guess... I shall make a move first." I slowly walk towards the door but BI's soft voice stopped me.

"Don't go..."

"You, gwenchana?" I asked worriedly as I sat down on the floor beside him.

"Just thinking about a lot of stuff... What can I do as a leader to protect my team? But as a leader, I am also the bridge between my team and the company... I cannot defy what Mr Yang says..."

It wasn't easy being a leader and BI has had a lot of things on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, just go with the flow and things will turn out alright in the end. I'm always here if you need a listening ear right?" I squeezed his hand to encourage him.

He slowly sat up from his laying position and came closer to hug me.

"Thank you Chohee, I really need to reassurance. I need some motivation to keep me going."

I patted his back, "Always here for you guys..."


The boys invited me to their welcome party as well. I waited for them to finish filming before I joined them for the food.

"Yep guys, now that everyone in our gang is present, let's play some icebreaker games!"  Bobby initiated.

The night ended with us playing charades and random play dance. The boys got a little closer to one another after working together through some games.

The only thing that got me worried was that Jinhyeong and Chanwoo didn't look like good dancers. It was a stark contrast between Team B who was known to have strong teamwork and powerful dances.

Thankfully, Jinhyeong and Chanwoo were nice kids, they listened well to the boys and are willing to practice hard. I wouldn't be able to imagine if someone with a strong character were to join them. There would definitely be a clash of opinions.

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