Chapter 14: what a brat

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Chohee POV
"Hey you're back! Come over here, let's have a little talk!" Lee Hi dragged me by the arm when I neared our tent.

This is a little overwhelming, since when was Lee Hi so affectionate? Wasn't she always a little mean and rude to me?

"So, I saw you with the Team B boys just now, are you close with them?" She asked me eagerly.

"Yeah, we are good friends, why..?" I replied.

"Let's just say I want to be friends with Kim Hanbin-sshi, can you introduce me to them? Like you know, add a few good words and plan meet-ups with them."

This is unexpected. The proud Lee Hi actually wants my help to befriend the boys. Although I don't mind introducing girls to the boys since they are all single, but Lee Hi wasn't a girl good enough to be introduced to them. She is definitely not anywhere near good-natured.

"I will ask the boys again for when they are free, how about that?" That was the best response I could come up with.

"No no, don't even ask them for their opinion. I want to meet them tommorow morning for breakfast." She insisted.

What an attitude. I hesistated, not knowing how I should answer her.

"Okay let me do it myself." She was frustrated with me, just like how I was annoyed at her. It's mutual, you know.

She took my phone away and texted the boys in our group chat to meet at the restaurant next morning. She even took away my phone to prevent me from pre-empting the boys.

Oh great, tomorrow's definitely going to be full of drama.


The sun rose, sending warm rays onto the earth. I woke up knowing how bad the day was going to be. Lee Hi was already dressed up as if going for a blind date, while I was still in a mess with my messy bed hair. I was forced to wash up and change my clothes in five minutes before she dragged me out of the tent.

It was rather sad that she left Suhyun alone just because she wanted to meet the boys and that she thinks Suhyun will keep the boys' attention away from her. What a brat!

When we arrived, the boys were already sitting in the restaurant laughing and fooling around. Lee Hi walked behind me as she fixed her hair and put on a sweet smile. How sweet, it's making me puke.

"Chohee over here!!" Yunhyeong cheered when he saw me.

I put on an annoyed look and nudged towards the back. When I shifted sideways, they finally saw Lee Hi. Lee Hi was their senior, and had evaluated them before during the WIN program. They all stood up at once and bowed as they greeted her.

"Hey everyone, Chohee has invited me to join you guys for breakfast and I thought that it would be rude to reject her so yeah, I'm here!" She said 'shyly' and twirled her hair between her fingers. She kept her eyes locked on BI and chuckled flirtatiously.

I rolled my eyes, while plopping down on the nearest seat. The boys who knew me like the back of their hands would certainly know that whatever Lee Hi said was utter bullshit.

Bobby offered me his orange juice to chill a little and I finished everything in one gulp.

"Chohee, can I sit at your seat instead? Please." She said to me, nudging to my right, and I finally realised.

BI was beside me.

I stood up and slotted myself at the space between Bobby and Donghyuk. I can't wait for this meal to end and I can finally enjoy peace and tranquility.

"I really like you guys since WIN. All of you are so talented, especially BI-sshi." She started to break the awkwardly silent atmosphere.

"Since we are both born in the same year, let's be friends! Drop the formalities and be comfortable. What do you think?" She continued when nobody replied her.

That kept everyone focused on BI. He was slightly flustered at the question and everyone's attention on him.

"Yes sure..." He said uncertainly.

"YAY! As the days go by I'm sure we will get closer and eventually become good friends." She replied confidently.

The meal continued with Lee Hi's continuous questions about BI and rarely some questions directed at the entire group. BI would answer uncomfortably. The other members were just enjoying watching how BI reacted to a fan of his.

As for me, I was getting irritated at the thought of how I needed to entertain her in the future.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well and I've finished eating. I will leave first. See you guys later!" I jerked my chair backwards and exited the restaurant quickly before anyone can stop me.

I walked towards the sea and sat on the shady grass patch, watching the waves coming onto shore and rushing back to the ocean. The sounds of the washing waves was so soothing that it calmed me down. I momentarily forgot about that annoying Lee Hi.

"So lonely?" a deep voice approached.

I turned around to see Mino taking a seat beside me.

"Nope, not lonely anymore since you're here." I smiled.

"Having troubles aren't you?" Mino asked while looking ahead at the incoming waves.

"Yes, problems with some annoying people who is trying to make use of me." I mumbled.

"Don't you share your problems with your friends? It should make you feel better!"

"If you havent realised, the Team B boys are my only true friends in YG. The girls who approach me just want to be closer with the boys. And boys hardly approach me anyway. "

"Hey then what does that make me? Not a boy?" He asked jokingly.

"Oppa, I said 'hardly' not never." I laughed.

"If you need a listening ear, I'm here now."

"It's fine, I don't want to be a gossip monger, neither do I want to worsen your relationship with your seniors."

"Oh, it's a YG artist who got you on your nerves?"

"It's fine now. Mino oppa, are you free now? Let's go eat ice cream!"

"You sure are an interesting person Chohee! Ice cream at 10am?" He shook his head a few times. "But.... okay sure, let's go!"

With that, we made our way to the nearest convenience stall to buy ice cream. However, we were shocked at the scene which unfolded before us...

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