Chapter 38: debut

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Chohee POV
One year passed. After working hard to achieve good results, I managed to complete my modules in a short period of time, impressing all the professors. Hence, I was able to graduate and return to Seoul!

I kept it a secret from everyone and quietly flew back. The boys were busy preparing for their debut; they must have suffered a lot.

I sneaked into their practice room slightly before the time they usually arrived and placed their presents on the ground.

I had brought snacks and personalized souvenirs for everyone. Limited edition lip balms for Yunhyeong, pooh bear merchandise for Bobby, Michael Jackson album for Junhoe and more for the others.

With a big piece of paper, I wrote 'CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DEBUT!!!'

When I heard footsteps nearing, I quickly hid in their large empty cupboard to jump out later to surprise them. There was a keyhole where I could peep out to see their reactions.

"Wow what's all this?" Bobby shouted as he ran towards the presents.

"Hyung is this from your crazy girl again?" Junhoe asked.

Koo Junhoe is calling me crazy! I will beat him to a pulp later on!

"Yeah hyung, is this from that Lee Hi again?" Donghyuk asked.

"Probably yes. Who else would buy us so many presents?" Jinhwan commented.

LEE HI??? I decided to continue listening for more.

"I have no idea what to do with that girl, she never gives up." BI said dejectedly.

"Didn't you already tell her that you have a girlfriend?" Chanwoo asked.

"She hasn't seen me together with Chohee yet so she thinks I'm lying to her."

"Poor Hanbin," Yunhyeong fake cried.

"Hey actually being close to Lee Hi noona isn't that bad afterall, look at all the presents we are receiving!" Donghyuk commented.

"Yah you punk, do you want Hanbin to double time Chohee!" Bobby tackled Donghyuk onto the ground as they faked fighting.

The others in and soon it turned into a full on tickling match.

I crept out from the cupboard and took a photo of them goofing around.

"OMG AM I SEEING THINGS?" Chanwoo said, wide-eyed.

"What do you-" BI asked as he turned around and stopped halfway.

"Annyeong! I'm back!" I smiled at them. It has been a long time since we all gathered like this, just like how we always do in the past.

"IT'S CHOHEE NOONA!!!" Donghyuk was the fastest to untangled himself from the pile of boys and ran to engulf me in a hug.

"Yah yah yah you don't hug me like this, I heard you encouraging BI to stay close with Lee Hi!" I pushed him away from me.

"I was just joking, Chohee noonaaaaa~" I couldn't stand this boy and his aegyeo.

"Chohee we miss you!! Group hug!!" Jinhwan announced.

"Wait! I'll go first!!" BI shouted and quickly embraced me around my waist. The other boys then crowded us in a group hug.

We had a small catch up regarding what has been happening to us for the past few months and the boys left BI and I alone so that we could have some couple time.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" He asked.

"I wanted to give you all a surprise!"

"Come here, I'll let you listen to the song that you wanted to hear at Mangwon."

"Oh, that day you ran away from everyone!"

"Mhmm, but you still managed to find me." He placed one earpiece in my ears, the other in his.

You're my type,
You're my type
Even if you don't say anything, I have a feeling
From your head to your toes, everything

"Wow Bobby oppa is singing!"

"Listen on~" He cooed.

You're my type
When I look at you,
I want you so bad I go crazy
I think about you even right before I go to sleep pow

Hanbin stared deeply into my eyes as the song played, as if the song was just written for me.

"Remember what you wore when I first met you?" He asked as the music continued playing to the next part sung by him.

Your sneakers under your thin ankles
A perfect harmony with your denim skinny jeans
Under your slightly big cardigan
Your falling, long, straight hair is so pretty
Your shy eye smile, the look on your face when you space out
It all looks so pretty to me, it makes my heart tremble
Why did you come now? You're my type

"You're my type, Chohee-ah. Love you forever."

"Me too, Hanbin, I love you!"

Just then, someone knocked on the door and the man walked in.

Mr Yang. He's here. Crap! I haven't informed him that I was coming back...

"Chohee, why didn't you tell me you are back?" Mr Yang asked.

"I was going to pay you a visit and surprise you, sir."

"I called your mentor in Japan and he told me you were back. If you came to the company, I guessed that you would be here. And I was right."

"Sorry sir, I should have visited you first." I answered.

"Sir, Chohee visited us first as she was carrying all the gifts for us. If not she would definitely visit you first." BI tried to help me out of the situation. When Mr Yang starts scolding, people would get traumatized for months.

"Of course she would visit you first, Hanbin. You two are dating, aren't you?" Mr Yang asked as he looked down, fiddling with his cap.

That question threw us off guard. How did he know? Should we tell him the truth? Will he be angry? I looked at BI, who also seemed to be at a lost.

"Did I hit the nail on the head?" He prompted again but was met with silence.

"So I was right? Hanbin-ah, you're the guy. Man up and answer my question." He continued seriously.

"Yes sir. The two of us are dating now." BI answered. I closed my eyes as I braced myself for the screaming that was coming ahead.

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