Chapter 17: not your typical boys

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I would never get tired of Chohee and her silly ideas. The prank we played on the boys this morning was just hilarious. It rendered them severely embarrassed even up till now.

After eating the breakfast we had bought for them, we decided to just chill and have fun for today. It wasn't easy to find a day where all of us were free to hang out so we would really want to make full use of this day.

"Did you see Junhoe raise the frying pan just now?" I brought up the prank again as it was just too funny to forget.

"What in the world man, you still had time to run to the kitchen before going to the room?" Jinhwan shot at him.

"Well, it was more impactful than the broomstick and dustpan the other two got right?" Junhoe defended himself.

"Their expressions were priceless though, all five of them!" Chohee laughed.

"Alright guys, let's get over this topic it's too embarrassing..." Bobby complained.

"I agree! Come on let's go watch movies and just chill around." Yunheong said.

We had a horror movie marathon, where we all huddled together on the sofa and on the floor. Closed the curtains, off all the lights and tried to create the most eerie atmosphere.

Although we were watching horror movies, it was like a comedy for us. We were not like your typical boys watching horror with girls so that they can show off their courageous side and protect the girls.

Nope. This is totally not our case.

When the movie suddenly got quiet, everybody was expecting the ghosts to jump scare us somewhere.

"Shit shit shit" Bobby kept on blabbering things to keep himself distracted.

"It's coming soon I can feel it oh my god" Jinhwan whined.

And this goes on for all our members. Those who were unable to make out audible words were just letting out weird noises and grunts. We laughed more than the jump scares scared us because everybody would have already burst out laughing at each other's reactions while anticipating the ghosts and miss the scares in the end.

After the movie, we went to play basketball at the court in the park. Since there were seven of us, we were split into teams of three and four. Yunhyeong, Jinhwan, Bobby and Chohee were a team, while Junhoe, Donghyuk and I were a team. We were playing a race to 10 points.

Even though the other team had 4 players, they were still many points behind us. Well, our team consists of giant Junhoe who could easily intercept passes, Donghyuk exercised regularly hence basketball was easy for him. As for me, well I'm an ace at everything I do so of course our team was doing so well.

No I'm just kidding, I was probably the worst player of this team.

After some time, the score was 4-8. The other team had started to get restless. When people are forced into bad situations, they tend to think out of the box in order to survive. This was what made the other team start to play dirty.

Each player tagged to one opposing player and hung onto them like koala bears, obstructing them to make any shots. Their remaining player, Chohee, then went around shooting the balls into the hoop. And boy, was she good at basketball. Within a minute while we were trying to get out of our 'koala bears' grip, she had already closed up the gap to 9-8.

With one last shot left for them to win, I managed to escape from Bobby's grip. Seeing me run towards her to snatch the ball away, she threw the ball to Bobby, who was now free to move around too. Chohee sure had fast reflexes. Bobby dribbled the ball away towards their goal while I frantically try to defend their goal.

I was shocked when I realized I could not move. A pair of tiny arms wrapped around my waist from the back.

"Bobby oppa go shoot now!" Chohee shouted from behind me. I instantly blushed at the close contact and position we were in.

I think she was too absorbed in the game to realize that she was back hugging me.

"Yay we did it!" Bobby cheered after making a successful shot in the hoop. Chohee removed her arms around me and ran towards Bobby and the other boys for a group hug.

Her eyes briefly met mine for a millisecond before she quickly looks away. Was she feeling embarrasses? Was she feeling awkward with me? That would have meant that she felt similar to what I felt just now. Or was I just thinking too much?

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