Chapter 30: moving house

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Chohee POV
It was finally the day for the boys to move house! They had filming for today as well so they asked me to join them for dinner at night. We were having a house warming party!

As I opened the door of my house, there was a piece of paper stuck on the door.

'Hello Chohee-sshi, it's cold today, please wear thicker clothes and remember to bring an umbrella out. I will be looking out for you.'

I had received many notes from this anonymous person throughout the past weeks. Usually, I would find them in the company but this was the first one to be sent to my home.

Furthermore, they were usually warm greetings and reminders but this note was creeping me out. Looking out for me? That sounds like a perverted stalker.

I looked around my house, wondering if the creepy stalker has his eyes on me from some hidden corner. The thought of that gives me the creeps.

I better talk to the boys about this. However, I wasn't very comfortable with the newcomers to discuss this in front of all of them. I do not want to doubt the boys whom I'm so close to, but there is still a slight possibility that the stalker was one of them. It would be better for lesser people to know about this.

I quickly locked the door after me, and made my way to the boys' new home.

"Hello! I bought bubble tea for everyone!" I shouted out upon reaching their new home.

"Noona, you're the best!!" Donghyuk came forward to help carry the drinks to the table.

They had ordered dinner from the nearby Chinese restaurant and we ate while chatting about random things. I was uneasy during the entire gathering and BI had caught on.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to me as he placed his hands above mine under the table.

His action caught me off guard and brought me back to my senses. Holding of hands was a little too affectionate considering we are just friends right?

"Yeah, don't worry. I talk to you after this." I answered and removed his hands from mine.

After dinner and watching a comedy movie, I nudged Bobby and BI to follow me home.

"What's up Chohee?" Bobby asked as he entered my home. I took out a box, which I had used to keep all the items from this anonymous person.

"I think I have gotten into some trouble." I pointed to the box.

After reading all the notes and presents that the person had given to me, they were crept out too.

"This guy is crazy!" Bobby commented.

"This can be very serious. Do you want to report it to the police?" BI asked.

"It would not be a legitimate case since he has not caused me any harm." I said.

"Keep us updated okay? If needed, we will protect you and send you home everyday since we are neighbors now." BI suggested worriedly.

"Thank you guys, I didn't want to tell everyone as I do not feel comfortable with the newcomers."

"We understand, we will keep it a secret for you."

After hearing Chohee's problem, I was beginning to feel worried for her. What if the stalker attacks her? You would never know what crazy perverts would do.

"That secret admirer isn't you right, Hanbin?" Bobby whispered to me as Chohee left her seat for a moment.

"Don't be crazy, hyung." I shook my head.

"We told you to make your move earlier. Look, now someone else is interested in her too." He complained.

"The most important thing now is Chohee's safety. All other things can wait."

We quickly stop our small exchange as Chohee returned.

"Hey I have a good idea! Why don't Hanbin pretend to be Chohee's boyfriend? Maybe the stalker will stop all his crazy antics!" Bobby said.

I knew Bobby wanted to kill two birds with one stone: protecting Chohee and giving me a chance at the same time. It wasn't a bad idea.

"I cannot imagine what else the stalker will do if he realizes that I have a boyfriend." Chohee muttered.

"That's true, what if he turns violent?" I asked.

"Alright, then let's just observe the situation longer for Chohee's sake." Bobby added.

In the end we decided to wait for a little longer to see if we will be able to guess the stalker's identity. He is definitely someone from YG since he had access to both YG's studios and the YG apartments.

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