Chapter 28: worry

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It was a tiring day with the most exasperating dance practice I have had in a while. It was our first time dancing with the newcomers and I have never realized how great the teamwork between the Team B members was.

Chanwoo and Jinhyeong are very hardworking, but their skills were really lacking. I needed to plan the performance again such that it would be easier for them to follow.

During lunch break, I asked the others to buy me a sandwich on their way back while I stayed in the studio myself. I still had to prepare for SMTM's performance. I didn't have enough time to compose my rap due to all the M&M's stages to oversee.

The door opened and I knew they were back with my lunch. How pathetic of me to have to eat sandwiches in the studio for the third consecutive day already.

"That's fast of you guys today. You only took ten minutes." I said.

"It's me," The melodious voice of Chohee called out.

"Oh you're here, why aren't you eating with them?"

"Those boys are feasting with Tablo sunbaenim and they decided to forget about you. So being a kind soul, here I am." She handed me a bowl of jajiangmyun.

"Thank you, kind soul. But I think I ordered for sandwich instead."

"I'm not going to let you eat sandwich for three days in a row. Hello? You still have to take good care of your health."

"How do I eat this while working on the song? I'm rushing for time Chohee."

"Either I help you with your work or you do your work while I feed you like a kid."

Knowing that the boys are coming back soon and training had to resume, I didn't want to waste more time.

"Chohee, just leave it there first, I'll eat it when I have time later."

"Don't bullshit me Kim Hanbin, open your mouth." I felt the spoon touch my lips as Chohee fed me a spoonful of noodles. My heart did a little flip at that moment.

"Carry on with your work then, I'll just keep feeding you like this." She said firmly.

"Alright fine, I'll eat my lunch properly." I surrendered in the end.

"Hanbin I'm serious, don't pressure yourself too much. You haven't had a proper meal in days, I don't even think you need two hands to count how many hours you slept this week." She said half angrily and half worriedly.

But it was true. I practiced dancing, help the other members, and write songs almost everyday until the wee hours. Practice starts again early the next morning.

"Don't worry, my body can take it."

"It's not only me, everyone is worried about you. Tablo sunbaenim too. Mr Yang even asked about you yesterday."

"I have you around me, don't I? You will take good care of me." I tried to observe her reaction; maybe it could give me some clue about how she feels about me.

"What if I'm not around anymore some day?" She looked guiltily into my eyes. Why do I feel as though something bad is going to happen?

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just a hypothetical question." She quickly looked away. Just at this time, the boys returned and we dropped that topic all together.


Chohee POV
The truth was that Mr Yang had informed me that he was going to send me to Japan for an exchange study program but I decided to push it back, giving the excuse that I wanted to complete the projects I had on hand.

But how long could I drag? I would have to leave one day.

The worst thing was that the duration of my studies wasn't fixed. I had no idea how long I would be gone for. One year? Three years? Five years?

Time flew by quickly this month and the boys completed their first evaluation for M&M. However, the full set of rules for the M&M program was announced.

Another new member will be joining them this afternoon. Jinhwan, Bobby and BI were confirmed members while the remaining 6 boys would have to compete for the remaining 4 seats in iKON.

I had just arrived at company and before taking the elevator, and someone approached me.

"Hello may I know where practice room 209 is?" a young man around the boys' age approached me. Isn't room 209 the practice room the iKON boys were using today?

"I can bring you there, I'm heading there too." I replied politely.

"My name is Yang Hongseok, are you a trainee in YG?" he asked as we waited for the elevator to arrive.

"Hello, I'm Park Chohee, a YG songwriter." I smiled politely before looking away.

"You're so pretty I thought you were a trainee who's going to debut in a girl group."

"Erm thanks?"

"Not used to compliments like this?" I was starting to get irritated by him. Was he so desperate and flirty?

"Here's your room 209." I said sharply before entering the room. There was a M&M staff waiting outside the room, that only meant that this Yang Hongseok was here for M&M's shooting, as the newcomer...

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